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Julie Chen Slams The View for Hiring Jenny McCarthy


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Really Julie Chen dissing the view for hiring Jenny McCarthy when some could say you got your job on The Talk because your husband runs CBS.

Also why dont we care what Jenny has to say about Politics? Is it because she is blonde? A Comedian? A One time Playboy Playmate? That doesnt excuse her from having political engagement.

What is with the small minded thinking,Julie? Would have expected better from you.

Maybe we should be supporting each other, instead of slamming one another. Just a thought

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I know that the Talk is doing really well in the ratings but no need to slam a show u completely virtually copied. The View came in 1997 and the Talk 2010. I agree I think Jenny McCarthy has been a miss and should be axed but theres no need to keep dissing the View. It was the first show of its kind of alots of ripoffs. The Talk is a fun show at times but it will never be as smart as the View was hen it started. Meredith, Star, Joy and Barbara wee very smart written.

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IA. The Talk women are coming across very ugly. Just a couple of months ago, Sharon said the View women can all go F--k themselves. WTF? Sure it was funny but what an ugly, hateful thing to say when unprovoked. As mentioned, they copied the View so they need to all have a seat somewhere

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Yes it is. Her view has been that she doesnt vaccine. It is because of her experience with her son Evan. Its not everyone's just hers. Also she has not spoken of it at all on the View but thats why people think she shouldbe canned because she spoke of it years ago. Seriously the witchunt is ridicioulous

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the people that are slamming her and ABC for giving her a platform to express her views are the ones that clearly aren't even watching and its obvious when you bring up the fact that she has yet to even discuss it on the show. Comments like that are just as ignorant

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She was involved in all sorts of events about this. She wasn't just giving her opinion.

I have a tough time buying that ABC hired her for reasons beyond this controversy. The only other thing she's known for is dating Jim Carrey and making silly faces on MTV fifteen years ago.

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The unfortunate thing is that if you listen to the interview on Howard Stern, in its entirety, which I have, Julie was asked a lot of questions about The View and she wasn't being a bitch at all, the interview is up on YouTube, listen to the whole thing before judging what Julie Chen said.

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