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As much as I despise Agustin's crappy behaviour, I've had friends in my life, do almost the same exact things to me and a new guy that I had in my life. It's like this fear comes over them, like they'll be forgotten and not needed by you IF you're happy and in the beginning stages of love.

As for Patrick, I still think he thinks that he has to find that J.Crew ideal for him and even though he does like Richie and doesn't want to be that guy fixated on image: he IS that guy right now. Agustin just blew Patrick's little bubble of happiness up, but Patrick probably has allowed him to do these things in his life for years.

There was a reason why Patrick was so worried about Richie meeting Agustin. Somehow, he knew that Agustin would show his nastiness.

I want Frank to dump Agustin and in the next season (crosses fingers and toes) runs into his ex, with his current man, CJ on his arm.

I would just be so happy.

As much flack Agustin's getting, I want to praise Frankie Alvarez, Jr.'s performance in the role. Agustin isn't a monster. He's a jerk, who's unhappy with his life and lashing out at others, because he's too damn weak to fix himself. That's something that is apart of human nature, even when folks don't want to acknowledge it.

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Aog? LOL

I dunno, I thought, as mad as much of that Patrick/Richie stuff made me, it felt realistic. He really is "slow" as he says and I think doesn't realize what he's doing until after the fact--things like trying to make Richie's job sound more exciting to his boss, etc. I could sorta see myself, I hate to say, doing that... when i was 19 years old. Not at 30, but like I said, slow.

Ha, I was thrilled, I hate to admit, at how miserable poor Auggie looked when it was obvious CJ and Frank were having the more intimate sex in their threesome.

Misery loves company. Augustin seems deeply unhappy with everything in his life, really (and is he just stealing this $220 an hour from Frank to hang out with CJ? When that comes out it won't be good...)

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Oh is that what that was? I must admit I was a little confused as to what was going on. It seemed like Frank was upset at being filmed at first and didn't want to be in it. Then all of sudden he's all into it with the guy and Aug was on the outside looking in...

I do wonder if he's going to lash out and release that video on the web.....that would be very hurtful but I do see someone like him reaching that extreme.

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That's exactly how I saw it. Obviously Frank seemed to be doing it more for Auggie (another of his "art" projects?) at first, but then when he was really into it Aug was completely on the outside and might as well have not even been there (unlike how when CJ was filming Aug and Frank, Auggie was obviously playing up for the camera.)

I hate to just always link AV reviews, but I thought they were pretty spot on in their observations this week--

While perhaps not a shocking insight, I liked this paragraph from avclub's review--I liked the episode more than them (they gave it a B, one of the lower ratings if not the lowest) but I agree some of the few issues I do have are symptomatic of having to do all this in just 8 episodes

"The problem with having eight episodes to tell this much story is that one week Patrick and Richie are showing every other romantic hero on television how it’s done and the next Patrick’s falling in their footsteps. After the disastrous picnic, Patrick tries to prove to Richie that he isn’t embarrassed of him. So this is what he says: “What are you doing two weeks from now?” He’s trying to invite Richie to his sister’s wedding, but Richie understandably isn’t having it. So he keeps kissing him. Notice the pattern yet? “Looking In The Mirror” is about people using sex to solve non-sexual problems. But they aren’t solving them. They’re distracting from them. When Dom kisses Lynn, it’s because that’s the kind of relationship he’s used to. Frank just wants to make Agustín feel better, but Agustín needs a different kind of support. Now Patrick is so desperate to keep Richie that he makes a big leap without considering if that’s what he wants, if that’s fair to Richie, and if that really addresses the issue at hand."


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Just read that review. I was hesitant to click on those links cuz I thought they were just examining the camera angles or something lol.

He's dead on tho about how they're each avoiding the real issue. And yes last night was full of many cringe worthy moments. But the most cringe worthy involved Patrick, Richie, and Aug. I don't even know how Richie allowed himself to be convinced into attending a wedding. That's WAY too fast and WAY too soon. Alarm bells should have been going through the rough at this point. Even if the guy I'm totally in love with asked me to meet his mom tomorrow I'd slam the breaks and demand a few more dates and maybe a trip or two on our before I started appearing at family functions or even with friends.....

I can't tell if Patrick is that naive or innocent or he realizes how conflicted he is and is just hanging onto Richie simply because he can....

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A siren is probably blasting in Richie's mind 24/7 at this point, but he's really into Patrick. He continues to keep giving him shots at trying to turn their thing into a relationship. As he told Patrick other times before, he takes dating and relationships seriously and when he said, "I'm in" he meant it. He doesn't want to give up, because he's seen how Patrick can be with him (when they're alone), but they can't keep their relationship in a bubble.

It has to be able to thrive in the outside world and sadly, Patrick's not strong enough to even confront his friend, when said friend shows his ass to his boyfriend.

Patrick IS hanging onto Richie, because he doesn't want another failed attempt at a relationship. He just invited him to a huge family event. So his neuroses will be on a dangerously high level.

Patrick's going to have a panic attack and that's going to be it for Richie.

Does anyone remember the scene of Carrie, hyperventilating, getting hives and having to be cut out of her wedding gown, because she knew that her appending marriage to Aiden Shaw was the wrong thing for her on SaTC?!

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No wonders about posting on this end. I now read AV reviews with you in mind. wink.png

And if it wasn't for them or a few other reviews I would have missed the fact that Frank got into it with CJ. So Auggie gets some karma.

ETA: Yay for the series high for LOOKING.

And YES to the Carrie and the wedding dress. So...uh oh. Not that the preview for next week helped.

Edited by Taoboi
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Well the AVclub critic for Looking does love talking about the "camera angles" lol, but I mostly appreciate that. Haigh's a great director at subtle but realistic stuff, and the few other directors who have helmed the episodes he hasn't have done a good job of following his style (incidentally the director of this week's episode, Joe Swanberg is one of the top "mumblecore" indie directors out there, although I have found the films of his I've seen pretty dull to sit through, LOL.)

I hate to say it but I could sadly kinda relate to Patrick suddenly inviting him to the wedding as a pretty lame, but earnest attempt to prove he was serious. I know in the past when I've had falling outs in relationships (friends or more) I've suddenly jumped into panic mode and done the same thing, only later either regretting it, or else realizing why the person in question, rightly, found it kinda insulting. Again, in my early thirties, I think I'm much more aware and do that less, but as Patrick said, he's slow.

(And yeah about that preview, and Patrick's mom, I assume, asking if Kevin who is somehow at the wedding--it's like he has a tracking device on Pat--asking if that's his bf Richie... I think there'll be more cringing to come.)

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So glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that way about Kevin. It's just odd that Kevin's showing up at these personal things regarding Patrick.

Yet, there are viewers that are hoping that Kevin will dump his hot, gorgeous and (probably making more salary than him) boyfriend for Patrick.

Kevin sees Patrick as an escape. Somebody new and fun that he can have, while he's in SF.

I adore Russell Tovey, but I'm wary of Kevin's interest in Patrick.

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Ugghhhh that is such a perfect description of what I might be dealing with tho.....

Lol yeah I remember that SATC scene. Not vividly but I do remember her losing it. Sorry I know Big vs Aiden is like another world war but Big just had IT and there was no way Carrie could ever have loved someone as much as she loved him. And vice versa.

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Yeah. The Big vs. Aiden issue is still a hot topic, because SaTC chose to go with the fantasy that this philanderer, two-time divorced older/established man would devote himself completely with (someone who romanticized everything in her life) Carrie.

Carrie couldn't even cope with accepting the responsibility of breaking Aiden's heart TWICE after he took her back the second time. I wasn't expecting her to not have any sort of romantic relationships after Aiden, but TPTB chose to have her shrug off Aiden's pain as something that shouldn't have any sort of affect on her. That's why I got a complete thrill when Berger dumped her behind with a Post-It note.

Candace Bushnell didn't get a "Happily Ever After" with her Mr. Big. They never even made it to the chapel.

That's why I like "Looking". I don't see there being some last minute fantasyland tale come true for any of these characters.

That their "happily ever after" is something that they're going to have to work for, grow up and seek it, through uncomfortable and realistic change.

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Lol that post-it note will forever live on in infamy. I remember just how totally "OMFG" shocked I was when I realized just WTF had happened. Her reaction was just pricelesss.....

That being said I pray to God it never happens to me lmao.

The boss Kevin does have a hot boyfriend and it does make me wonder what exactly he's doing with Patrick. Maybe its just the shared interests....

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I caught the last 15 minutes last night. It was educational. Not sure there's anything there I want to see again. It seemed titillating and not very deep. Going for shock. And relied on stereotypes. Maybe I just caught a poor 15 minutes.

Edited by rhinohide
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