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Is JFP the most Evil woman in daytime?

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I do understand the firing of an aging worker. There is this older woman at my work who gets the most hours out of all of us yet we do all of her work for her because she is so old she barely remembers how to do things. Management keeps skating around cutting her hours because she keeps threatening to bring in her lawyers. And she won't retire or at least go part time because she gives money to her kids who are too lazy to work because they don't want to work a job they feel is beneath them. Its really annoying to have to pick up the slack for someone who's not capable of working.

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OK. So I don't think JFP is the second coming of Hitler. I appreciate that she knocked some heads over at Y&R and put some rampant egos in their place. I appreciate that she got rid of some MAB characters that were not working and brought on a few good ones (Tyler comes to mind). However, overall, I think she is the wrong EP for Y&R because she doesn't understand what makes it tick -- and doesn't want to understand it.

Is it ok for me to say I would like her to go and have somebody like Ed Scott or David Shaughnessy return? I feel I am an equal-opportunities complainer, so let me know if you want me to dress down any number of horrendous male EPs.

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I agree with everything you wrote. And yes, I want Scott or Shaughnessy back along with Alden, Smith and Morrina.

I never thought that JFP was hated because she is a woman, that' a joke. People have hated many male executives and writers over the years, it was never a gender issue. She is all wrong for the show, she might know how to fix other people's mistakes rather quickly but once she is fully in charge she produces a kind of show that has nothing to do with the Y&R fabric.

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I question if even ES could bring the Y&R of old back. It just seems its so different and not just on set, in management, at sony, and cbs, etc.. a lot of different players are in power over the show and an EP can honestly only do what their bosses let them.

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Exactly. It feels like too many cooks in the kitchen. Back when William J Bell was in charge, he was so well established as a soap opera legend that CBS did not dare tell him what to do. It was his unique, singular vision which dominated right down the line, from inception until he eventually handed over the reins to Alden and Smith.

MAB took back some of that "Bell family" power after the Barbara Bloom-sponsored LML coup. But she squandered all that goodwill with her hopeless plots and non-existent management. I wish Bill Bell Jr had stepped in earlier, appointed somebody himself to take care of the day-to-day running of the show. Now the Bells have surrendered autonomy to Sony and CBS, and it is hard to know who is running things over there? Steve Kent? Angelica McDaniel? JFP? All three? Nobody?

On the whole, I think Angelica McDaniel is a competent CBS Daytime exec who actually likes and gets Daytime and soaps. I am ready to lay a lot of the blame at Sony's door -- except that they are also managing Days, right? And after many hiccups, Days seems to be running like a well-oiled machine. The writing has been pretty good. They seem to have people in charge who understand what makes Days special, and writers who care about a lot of the characters. I'm surprised they wouldn't want the same for their other soap which is considered the the 'more prestigious' show.

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It seems, based on twitter, interviews, etc that Angelica McDaniel is heavily involved at B&B and that show has been doing well, IMO. I am not sure who currently has power at Y&R, but I would guess Sony just because CBS put LML in, the Bells put MAB in, so its Sonys turn. Who knows. As for Days who knows because its in the same place, i think that days is more than less fine when any one of NBC, Corday or Sony is running it, its when they go to war it falls apart.

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the biggest con to having so many people involved. I do think its funny that a few years ago it as thought of that the abc soaps were in the best standing because abc O&O them, but its Y&R & Days with 3 companies backing it and B&B w/ 2 that live on (w/ GH of course)

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It was a decision that changed forever GL, and ultimately was part of why the show began to unravel. It lost it core, the moral center, by killing off MB. "Management decision"—no. It was a creative decision by Jill which backfired in a huge way. Same with Frankie Frame, though perhaps to a lesser extent. Jill may indeed realize those were mistakes, and as you put it "recovered from that." Too bad two wonderful soaps weren't so fortunate. If fans remain bitter, they have every right IMO.

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