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Is JFP the most Evil woman in daytime?

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If you think that I am going to handle this showkilling hack with kid gloves because she and I both own a pair of ovaries, you are sorely mistaken. She is rightfully called out as one of the worst things to happen to soaps on a regular basis because she has had a history - that has preceded my soap-viewing one, mind you - of decimating robust shows to further her fucked-up agenda.

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I have found that when people don't have a sound counter argument they typically take the route of attempting to discredit the person they are debating. Typical distraction tactics. However, I shall not go on the defensive. I stand by what i said. Executive decisions are always more likely than not about the bottom line. Sometimes, managers miscalculate and expect a choice to bring about a certain positive change and the opposite happens. It is what it is. JFP has made many a blunder. However, I take umbrage with the slurs and don't think she is any different that any other EP out there who has been tasked with the job of bringing about change. Every show and asunder caters to the young, dare I say it, white audience. Not just that, the industry in general values men over women. This is nothing new. While I don't like this, it didnt start nor will it end with JFP.

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I want to marry this post.

And who called her a bitch?! Am I missing something? My own issues with JFP have been with what she did on GH and what she is (or isn't) doing on Y&R, not because of her gender. Why can't we call JFP out in similar things that we have spent years calling out Paul Rauch on (another EP with a signature productions style and take-no-prisoners approach)?

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No one was attacking you. I was pointing out what happens on this board and many others when people post things as if they have inside knowledge when they actually don't. You were quite adamant about why Cassie was killed off by TPTB on Y&R in your original post, yet when you were pressed for your source, you cite a DC podcast, though we subsequently learn you're not sure that's where you heard it. That kind of post lessens the credibility of your original post, and your passive-aggressive response makes me think you know it. Also, obfuscation never accomplishes much either, which is what I find the rest of your response to be. Not picking a fight here. I still want to know why they chose the direction they did by killing Cassie. I'd be interested to know if anyone else on here remembers hearing what happened and can cite credible sources.

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What would you consider a credible source? But really killing Cassie was an example. I rescind it for lack of credible source. So let's not change direction of the discussion. We were discussing why JFP is or is not any different from anyone else in the business. I would be interested in some argument for why she is. I have seen no one in this thread give a legitimate reason why. She doesn't value women, older actors, nor black people. As someone who falls in each category, I am here to tell you that this makes her just like every other EP on any cable or premium network, unless the shows target audience is black. I am sure you know it is very rare to have a black lead on any TV show, unless it is on BET, OWN, or TV1. However I will say that there has been an influx of shows fitting that description of late. Trying to capitalize on the success of Scandal I suspect. Of course that is my opinion, I have no credible source to site for you why this is occurring.

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She's apparently strong-willed and her ideology is hard-wired into her decision making. She has her faves - Tim Gibbs, A Martinez, Justin Deas - personally I think Steve Burton is a overrated and it shocks me that he is apparently now the highest paid actor on Y&R (which must make Mumbles seethe) - but he has an audience, and no doubt some of them account for the few hundred thousand more eyeballs its getting this year, so I guess that was a smart move on her part. Killing Maureen Bauer and Frankie Frame - not so smart, but it was gutsy. AW's real showkiller was Charlotte Savitz, and GL's were Conboy and Wheeler.

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The simple fact that some folks want others to pat her on the back for being a female exec in a male-dominated industry that caters to women while ignoring the fact that she perpetuates the very same misogynistic bvllshit that is driving these soaps into extinction is why they are all full of it whenever they fix their fingers to chastise any of her critics.

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I was reading on Wiki [not sure how accurate but pretty plausible] that JFP tried to undo Frankie's murder but the head writer at the time refused, citing that she wanted to take Cass back to his roguish ways. Donna was initially supposed to be the one killed, but the fans got wind of it and threatened a boycott so Frankie was chosen. That didn't go over as well as expected, but I blame that on what happens after you kill a character because a show s/b able to kill of any character they wish (except Erica Kate).

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