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Future AMC/OLTL eps released all at once as a 20 ep season?

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Eric, I see your point. I guess I was seeing this more as a telanovela model. 20 episodes on, 20 episodes off. Give the actors more time to reherse, and the writers more time to write. Maybe 1/2 the number of episodes a year, but make each season really worth watching. I think that the writers can also maitain the ebb/flow of storyline so that the main storyline for that arc comes to conclusion after 20 epsiodes, but the B story becomes the focus of the next arc, and C story gets started at the end of the 1st arc.

I do hope that either way the model goes, AMC continues to be "down-to-earth" and realistic. I love checking-in on my small town and the inhabitants that just happen to call the place home.

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Probably because, up until recently, online was the only place most people could see the shows and those same people would be the ones posting their reactions almost immediately. Although, the business of reducing the days from 4 to 2 seemed less to do with what people were actually posting (many of whom wanted it at 4 days, if not all 5) than it did with analyzing viewing patterns. Anyway, I can understand why they are doing it (it's not like they've had other feedback avenues to hear from) but it also makes me disappointed because the loudest and most repetitive voices, complaints, etc. are the ones demanding the return of characters that I particularly didn't care for. Those are the voices that basically want AMC to be the way it was when it went off the air.

Sometimes I wonder if this version of AMC is a placeholder. I wonder if they had gotten the fearsome foursome back (Zack, Kendall, Ryan, Greenlee) if we wouldn't be seeing them dominate the canvas once again. I wonder if the creative vision is really any different than what ABC had or if they are just making do with who and what they've got so far.

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I think the show and its quality speaks for itself.

They obviously are invested in the stories they're telling for the people they're telling them with. I don't know why you think the Brian Frons vision is applicable.

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Thanks for being more clear--I would be ok with all of that ;)

Have you listened to the Ginger Smith interview? She made it somewhat clear that she wasn't creatively happy with much of the end of AMC, and that a lot of the vision for the reboot was this. I think the creative vision definitely is (especially considering JHC had ZERO vision.)

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Someone else could say the same thing about the show's quality and mean it negatively. It really doesn't speak for itself when the opinions range from positive to negative and everything in between. If I say something's great and the person next to me says it's crap, which is it?

I've seen the redundant posts and complaints on the FB page. Many of the comments have more to do with who people want to see back, what they don't like and unfavorable comparisons to the ABC version those viewers apparently loved. If I were PP reading that page, I'd come away thinking the fans don't want anything other than Zendall, Rylee, the return of Erica, etc.

I don't want the ABC version the show devolved (imo) into but to read the online feedback, it sure sounds like a lot of people do and if that's the main avenue and kind of feedback that PP is seeing online, I wonder if there will be catering to that feedback as soon as they get the opportunity.

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You do realize that PP is start-up business that has invested a huge amount of money are trying to return that & turn a profit and not just a nonprofit dedicated to preserving Angie & Jesse for the goodness of humanity right? I don't see one other poster who feels like the show is lost in the shuffle- even if they would like more eps. PP has made plenty of blunders in this new venture but they also don't owe anyone 5 eps a week or hour episodes or particular characters.

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I see your points but I think huge complaining is to be expected & would have existed even if they had those characters & existed when those characters were frontburner on ABC. People will find something to b*tch about. If there numbers online are decent, I would imagine that they're not overly worried about the subset of loud FB posters.

Listening to Ginger & Jeff, I do think they're trying to do something at a much higher level than Frons or JHC- which also likely has to do with Agnes being heavily involved again. Not to say fan feedback won't play in- it obviously did with the cursing. But I don't think they're totally going to fold to the people who are clamoring for Greenly and Kindle and Ted back. Ginger Smith said she hasn't even spoken to Rebecca Budig- if they really felt she was essential because of FB comments, they would at least be trying to put out some feelers. Or trying to recreate similar dynamics with other characters- instead they're playing characters like Dimitri & Brooke and telling a story about sex trafficking.

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I admit, this has been a worry for me, too. I just have to trust that--so far--they have been fairly smart about who they seem to listen to creative wise (not talking about all the non-creative issues...)

Pre 2000 or so? I'd say nearly all of them (despite some network interference even then.) Jeff and crew have at least given some lip service to the fact that they would let the creative people do what they do best unlike the past while on networks.

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Ginger saying she hadn't spoken to Rebecca proves to me that she's the right person for this job. She seemed to have a handle on what made AMC so special in the 1970s and 1980s (the humor, social issues and romance) and when she said her favorite story of the past was Cliff & Nina, it just cemented that for me.

I admire Jeff for letting Agnes & Ginger tell the stories they want without having to pander to those who keep bitching that Rylee & Zzzendull weren't included.

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I hope you're right, Eric (and Vee.) Am I totally in love with PP AMC? No, the "kids" kind of bore me (but they usually do on most soaps I've watched)--I never really cared for the "teen scene" even when I was one. And there is a part of me that is hopeful things won't revert to any great extent but sometimes I do feel like the frustrated and cynical villagers hearing the boy cry wolf too many times.

SON did report back in March that RB was approached:

"Earlier today, a fan asked the beloved beauty via Twitter if she’s been approached for the reboot of the classic show. Her response: “Yes and no. Not for the next round of shooting.” So that means that Prospect Park seems to want Budig back, if not now, then at least in the near future!"

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