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Y&R: June 2013 Discussion Thread

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I think that storywise, it always made sense for Nick to be the one not as into the business, while Victoria had a natural flair for business. Unfortunately the show has lost any ability to write business stories, and none of the actors on the show now can play them. Muhney smirking seems to be about as close as they get.

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I agree if that was the story. They lost Heather Tom pushing Nick as the Newman Heir. If they were not going to write him interested in business then it was a total waste. There was a reason they casted Adam and gave him an MBA and a resume as a business. I really think it was because JM wasnt cutting it.

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I think they wanted a rivalry in business and personal life between the Newman siblings (Adam/Victoria at work, Nick/Adam more in love life, especially since initially they were hinting at Adam being obsessed with Phyllis).

They've never seemed very sure of just how much to do with Nick in the business world. I think he worked better at Crimson Lights.

They also fail to write any of these brats properly because of the writing that always has Victor win.

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It is utterly stupid of Nick to continue risking incest just because he can't bring himself to admit the truth to Jack and Summer. Gah, stupid. I know it's drama, but come on.

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying that the regime is playing with Billy/Vic, Chloe/Ke, Lame, Phick and Michael/Lauren fans. All of those should be broken up.

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Neither Nicholas or Phyllis seem particularly concerned about Summer and Kyle committing incest as they take their time to get around to telling the truth. Totally contrast that to John and Jill rushing to stop Mac and Billy from consummating their marriage which was a dumb story. JG simply does not know how to do dramatic tension. He should have had Kyle and Summer decide to get a hotel room, then have Nick and Phyllis discover this just as they tell Jack so the three them urgently search for them to stop them from having sex.

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These incest like and near incest story lines are something soaps can now do without--since the 90s they've pretty much been time wasters anyway. It's time to progress, move on and away from that type of story.

They do nothing to help the perception of daytime dramas, which are sometimes viewed as purveyors of ridiculousness.

Please let this be the last, they get worse each time.

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