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Y&R: June 2013 Discussion Thread

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I enjoyed Cane & Lily early on when they had Billy & Chloe to rival them; however, after pairing them together and putting them in peril after peril, I grew tired of them. The straw that broke the camel's back was that whole Ashby/Atchkinson saga and faking Cane's death. At this point, I'd rather them send Lane off into the sunset, so their demented fans can go with them. I grow tired of looking at posts on FBOOK on the Y&R page of disgruntled Y&R fans.

Though JG is not appeasing my taste 100%, he is breaking up couples I've wanted nixed a LONG time ago. He's demolished PHICK. Thank God. He's getting Chloe away from Chlamydia boy. Thank God. He's put a crack in Lauren and limp wrist's marriage. Thank God. He's broke up Chadam and is well on his way on breaking up Villy. I can't complain. :P

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I agree. I'll peek there every blue moon to see the comments b/c it's on my facebook feed but it's usually the same. Fans moaning and groaning about the usual:

- Lily being paired with a black will decrease her airtime. -_- (Idiots b/c Tyler has been getting more airtime than Cane has as of late).

- PHICK fans stating that these two need to be together because they are one of Y&R's greatest love stories (I beg to differ. Hunching on sofas, playing video games, and excessive screaming and jealously does not equate love).

- Begging the writers to give Victoria & Billy a baby (Hell to the no. Victoria needs a stake driven into her uterus. She doesn't deserve a baby. Take care of child you have with JT).

- Chadam v. Shadam fans (Both pairings are stupid. Chelsea is weak. Sharon, who I FLOVE, has become insipid and still spineless. And Adam is aggravating. Sharon needs a man not attached to the Newmans. Chelsea needs to go altogether. Adam needs a woman that's equally as looney as he is).

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If they have, I haven't noticed them. I liked SN's Tucker but he wasn't all that. Could've been more but when you have stupid writers, what do you expect.

And NO (LOL) to Cane & Victoria. Those two would shove me over the edge from sheer boredom and whining. Two entitled characters in a pairing together?! Oh no.

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I've actually come to like Cane (away from Lily that is). I still think Y&R should recast Lily with Shannon Kane, and I think that would happen if CBS/Sony stopped being so precious about Khalil.

As for Victoria, Heinle has been in the role for almost a decade and generally fans have come to accept her. I'd keep her (for familiarity if nothing else) unless they're able to get Heather Tom back.

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I said a long time ago. If any of you remember my posts when they hire Ck back. They going to have to bring flavor to her boring ass portrayal of Lily. This bitch is still boring the only thing that is saving her is Tyler but I see Tyler & Cane is such a waste on this bitch. I'm so upset with how they writing her. They making her out to be all of that & a bag of stale moldy chips.

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I agree that's it's CK. I know that JFP is DYING to call Shannon Kane and beg her to step into the role of Lily, but SONY won't let her b/c they think CK is the 2nd coming of Jesus.

And I'm sorry, Y&R_fan but Amelie could be in the role for 1000 years, and I'll still want her to be replaced. She's not Victoria IMO.

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Somebody needs to sit the writers down & say this is how Dru daughter needs to be written. & we believe CK can't pull it off. What get me upset is that they should have keep the jewelry making line. It could have been a big company right now & a job for her family to work, Neil doesn't have to wait to get fired from the big three companies. & do you know how many men faces she could have been in before Cane step in. All CK was worried about is not dating black guy at the time & who her white next love interest going to be.

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