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AMC: Airdate/First Look at Returning Character

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I don't care what he looks like my favorite Count is coming home!!!!!!!! I started watching in 93 when Erica/Dimitri/, Wildwind and SMG Kendall were front and center. When I was thinking of characters I wanted back for the reboot, I never thought of him because a return seemed out of the realm of possibility. Thank you Ginger! So excited!

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Apparently Dimitri goes to work for Brooke at Chandler Media while also helping Angie and Jesse. Didn't Dimitri have his own empire? I can't remember him working for anyone but himself. Of course, it's been a long time and even the Cassadines have it rough. Shilling relish on The Chew.

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Yea Vee, it was confirmed by SOD. I wonder how long he is back for, I bet this is what they want Lucci back for. :D

"Michael Nader, who played the popular Dimitri Marick on AMC from 1991-2001, is heading back to the show on June 3. In the story, Brooke will offer Dimitri a job as head of Chandler Media."


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Seeing Michael Nader in that photo reminds me that it's been a long time since DYNASTY (and even longer since "Gidget").

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This is the problem with nostalgia. People want a certain character back but God help that actor if he or she doesn't look the same way they did in the viewers memories.

MN is 68 years old and I think he looks pretty good in that photo especially considering his challenges. He has the air of a mature aristocrat. He's not Dex Dexter anymore. I was terrified they'd have him walking around in some jet black toupee.

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I think he looks...rough, but a lot better than he's looked for over ten years. And honestly, I'm just very happy to have him back. I always loved Dimitri and I never thought this would happen.

That said, there are them teefs to consider.

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