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Barbara Bloom VS Brian Frons

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Not to familiar with Frons on NBC. What crap did he pull there? Wasn't that during the 70s or something?

How bad was Barbara Bloom anyway? Honestly, I really don't know much about her reign of terror. I take it Angelica McDannials (Name Right??) is better.

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Aren't they one in the same? I mean both of them have a sh*tty track record. Both of them participated in nepotism. Both of them ha a hand in destroying legendary shows (even though the ABC shows have bounced back in a newer format). Frons' track record might be a bit longer than Bloom's but a show killer is a show killer, so quantity does not matter.

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Frons, hands down. He had more power, and his actions, as well as public personality, were just obnoxious and ridiculous and offensive. It's no wonder why so many AMC and OLTL people are now openly talking about his incompetence after having their mouths duct taped for ten years.

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Truthfully, I don't think that either one is bad. I think they were part of a much larger corporate agenda, but either misread or couldn't figure out how to make the corporate agenda work with the eccentricities of daytime television and daytime television audiences.

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Actually, Barbara Bloom and Brian Scott Frons are one and the same. If you ever watched an episode of "Passions," then you know what I'm talking about.

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