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LOL...at how much activity this thread has gotten the last few days when most people weren't even watching this show


LMAO at all the shade Dr. Simone was throwing at Mariah for being late. I was with her. "Two bitches brawling in ball gowns....are you kidding?" I loved her talking heads this episode.


I cant with Mariah's ghetto ass mother trying to start ish with Toya. Girl, sit down! I cant believe she got in the fight and started hitting on Toya

tumblr_mlaz0jxc4G1ql5yr7o2_r1_250.gif tumblr_mlaz0jxc4G1ql5yr7o1_250.gif

I don't like Toya but was kinda with her on this fight. What she said was wrong but Mariah was just out of line to throw punches at a party she threw for her husband. How dare she get hood in front of his professional colleagues and embarrass him like that? I was heated for him


LMAO at Quad! OMG, her reaction was downright hilarious. That sh-t was crazy


She ended up looking like a cavewoman

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I hate that Mariah has me rooting for two people I cant stand, Kari and Toya. Mariah was in the wrong here and NEVER should have started a brawl in someone elses home in front of her husband's professional colleages. Toya was wrong for running her mouth, but Mariah shouldn't have done that there at that time. How dare she not own up to her actions and take some accountability. Her attitude stinks and its ridiculous that she isn't at least apologetic to Kari. Ratchet bitch

LOL at Dr. Simone: "I don't care if he has a girlfriend or not. I just want to know who the little bitch is"''

And was she seriously playing basketball in heels? Oh boy

Who'd have thought that out of the non-doctors, Quad would be the most sensible and involved in the least amount of drama? She's surprised me and Ive found myself liking her more. She is the most genuine whereas the others are ratchet and pretentious posers

Edited by Cheap21
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Yes gawd! I find I love Quad now because she owns who she is. From episode one she isn't fronting and acknowledges that she's a work in progress. I appreciate that about her. Mariah and Toya are beginning to drive me insane with their phoniness. It reeks of insecurity and it's no surprise they butt heads since they're so similar. Dr. Simone is my absolute favorite though. Shame she didn't replace Phaedra on RHOA. She is perfect for this type of show. She seems to have her life together, doesn't take things too seriously and has an interesting family life as well as work life and interesting relationships with the ladies. She gives a mean talking head too! Love her!

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See and thats what Im liking about Quad. She is a bit rough around the edges, far from perfect but she knows it and acknowledges all that while trying to be better as she hasn't forgotten where she's come from. Toya and Maria are just lucky they married men with good jobs and they stick their nose up at others as if they didn't come from the ghetto. I really like Quad's relationship with her husband and dog (girl is a mess giving that poor pup all that clothing...lol). I think she's fun and was wrong for pre-judging her

I think either doctor could work on RH. I could see Dr. Jackie being a Sheree type except she has the money and status to back it up. I think both she and Dr. Simone are too good for this show, but they'd work great as friends to the RHoA

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I think Dr. Jackie is the type of woman that would REALLY get under Nene's skin and that's what the show needs. I'm sorry, but Nene was a bore this season because nobody was on her level. Even if they bring back Marlo, they still need to look for someone to spar with Nene. Marlo, the return of Kim and Dr. Jackie or Simone from this show would be perfect for RHOA.

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Now, who wants to still believe Mariah is NOT the troublemaker here? She even used her daughter in this fight with Toya. Another inappropriate setting for her crap. Somebody has watched too many eppies of Dynasty and still does not get Alexis Carrington, not in the least! Dumb bitch!

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I REALLY hate Toya, but have to admit in the aftermath Mariah is being all kinds of messy and is acting just like hood rat Lucy. Telling her daughter to ask Tacky T why they could not come to the party like she did not get in a brawl with her was very shocking. Involving kids is not okay.

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Finally saw the last episode and here are some thoughts

Mariah is so stupid coming to the party with a battery operated dog. She came across as such a witch with that big red beret of hers. I cant believe she used her daughter as a pawn in this feud with Toya. Who does that? What a passive aggressive bitch. Im actually starting to like Toya a bit more and Im shocked as I couldn't stand her early on

Mariah: "when have I ever acted up" Is this bitch for real?

Dr Simone has the best talking heads! I don't remember half the stuff she said but she always has me cracking up. Like when she was telling the nurses that work for her that she's the boss..lol. Her consultation with the lesbian patients had me cracking up. Loved the segments.

So Dr. Jackie delivered one of her kids? It was hilarious when Simone said the one she delivered has her rotten personality and attitude and Jackie was like "such a sweet child" :lol: Seriously their friendship is one of my favorite on reality tv right now. I love the shade they keep throwing each other but you can tell its coming from a place of love

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I really wasn't paying attention. Didn't Mariah tell Quad that she stopped the check for the party and when Kari brought the papers that showed Mariah removed $1200 from her Pay Pal account Mariah said she was lying? Mariah is starting to get on my nerves!

I still live for Quad's country ass though!

ETA: Mariah DISGUSTED me when Dr. Jackie said you can still go into mama bear mode for a child you did not give birth to, but adopted and Mariah said that's not the same. Had that been me should we have gotten a backslap across the face.

I guess Aydin shouldn't feel like a father or protective of Lauren by that logic.

Edited by Eric83
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