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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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Well this isn't done. Theres plenty of time to get to Tom and Simoneyeah that's a huge oversight considering he played Edward for nearly 2 decades, was the last one in the role and he recently passed away.

IA on Lucy

yeah that's a huge oversight considering he played Edward for nearly 2 decades, was the last one in the role and he recently passed away. No Ned, Dillon, Brook?I thought that was GV's Lucky. Jason being all over the Q one yet absent from Liz's banner is puzzling
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Oh it might be Cheap, I'm looking at it on my phone

LMAO at Sonny's! There's no point to these banners if they don't showcase the characters relationships IMO

Re: Lucy, maybe they should've made one " GH Celebrates Port Charles" and had one of her and Easton :lol: Could've done one for OLTL too

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Who's the unconscious woman Mike and Sonny are hovering over? RealKate? How awkward.....They couldn't have shown him with his kids or Brenda or Carly? But they can show him with standing over what appears to be a dead woman? Strange choice of pics for Sonny.

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I like the Liz one but wish they had said Elizabeth.

And WOW at them completely leaving out John Ingle. That's disrespectful, IMO...A lot of current fans probably know only him as Edward, so it seems weird. Also, who no Justus, Maya, BrookLynn, or Dillion? No Jimmy Lee or Celia either, which normally I wouldn't be surprised about but considering the fact that they busted out a pic of Brian and Claudia, you'd think they could for Jimmy Lee and Celia.

And why no AmTam Emily?

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