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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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That's the story now but I know that KA and ME definitely did not want to go to PP and had to basically be strong armed into the agreement and then after ABC thought it was all worked out and that they were going to share, PP started acting shady, changing their stories, and making ridiculous demands about how even after the actors' original agreements were done that they could decide at the drop of the hat that they wanted them back and that ABC needed to give them free reign to up and pull them off GH at anytime that PP saw fit, even it was in the middle of a story and could have major affects on characters that have nothing to do with OLTL.

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She said that PP is not keen on characters being brought back from the dead. Does PP have full rights over the scripts and can tell the HW what they want and don't want?

She said that PP is not keen on characters being brought back from the dead. Does PP have full rights over the scripts and can tell the HW what they want and don't want?

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Well, if that's what happened then Kristen told a very convincing lie in her last interview about it. She said she definitely wanted to do a week, then couldn't because of a taping issue.

I'm sure the latter is true about PP's demands, though, because that's how they rolled at the time and frankly how they still roll sometimes. But based on what I've heard I'm of the impression that both parties acted terribly and wanted full ownership.

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I'm under the impression that she definitely came around once she realised it was only going to be a week, but wasn't on board at all when PP was basically trying to force all three back on the show for good and threatening lawsuits and the like.

Oh no doubt. I'm definitely not defending ABC because they acted poorly too. PP though definitely acted shady and underhanded yet likes to play the victim a little too much for my taste, but that's of course just my personal view of the situation. The point is though that its all done and sorted and no matter how it all went down and whether ABC feels wronged, Ron needs to let it go and move on since everyone else seems to have managed to.

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I think they both do the same stuff, really. But only Ron shows out on Twitter. And I think the GH team fully believed they were the keepers of OLTL, not anyone else.

(PP just has the melodramatic press releases.)

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The same where and why lots of so-called professionals have time to do things like drink, do drugs, watch Fox News, procure prostitutes, tweet dick pics, gamble, surf porn, huff paint, smoke cigarettes, or any of the other millions of ways desperate people numb their pain. No matter how demanding the job may be, there's always time for compulsions.

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Agreed. I think one behaves poorly in one way while the behaves poorly in different ways. PP seems to have a very demanding and almost thuggish attitude about certain things while ABC acts like a bunch of petulant children having tantrums and crying that things didn't happen the way they wanted it to when they're the ones that cancelled it in the first place. It just goes round and round.

They definitely have a very controlling attitude over OLTL and I wish they would let it go because it's nothing but a distraction and detriment to the show they're currently employed at. When they can get out of their tunnel vision about OLTL, they're capable of producing shows like today's episode which was great. It's when they are harping and obsessing over OLTL and constantly trying to recreate at the expense of GH that we get Franco.

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Oh, PP can definitely be thuggish. There's a reason Khan and I had a long-running routine about how PP was doing a "Manson Family" creepy-crawl on Marlene McPherson's house at night and burying her alive until she signed a contract, etc.

But at this point, they got the job done, and I like the product for the most part. So I'm tired of the presumption from the ABC/GH camp of spiritual ownership. They're both hardly without sin, but I'd rather they work together in small doses than do this crap.

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A-freaking men

This must have been before I started coming here regularly. LOVE it. And then they dumped her in a month. But yeah thuggish is a good word. I feel like even Leslie could throw down.

LORD the Carlivati disciples versus the TnB stans on Twitter is INSANE. What Ron hath wrought.

Network interference is not a new thing Linda

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Leslie Miller scares me. Like, I think she would attack me if I said I could do with less "More".

I like her, sort of, she's kind of grown on me after the painful early shows, but she definitely has an attitude as an interviewer. Reminds me a bit of Melody Thomas Scott, but Scott earned that long ago.

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Gven this latest from RC, Im so glad PP got the shows into production. If not I seriously worry what Cartini would have done to both OLTL's and AMC's legacy on GH. There was talk that if ABC got the shows back. Parts of AMC and OLTL would migrate to GH.

I could see some actors not wnting to do GH and their characters all of the sudden die.

Thank U PP for sparing us that

Also about the John/Starr thing with PP. They had written story with these characters. Starr was only needed for a week and John for four. ABC blocked it & PP had to change story close to filming.

Maybe that is why they didnt film the week of March 11 and pushed back to March 18.

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