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OLTL: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I thought Cutter managed Blair's new nightclub! Or does he do both? And how does Cutter have connections to these celebrities as a club promoter? And will it be explained on the show how he broke out of prison, and if his mom Alex Olanov helped him with that or not, and how he ended up working for Blair at her new nightclub? And ES also said in that interview with Michael Fairman that Natalie doesn't live in Llanview anymore! Where does she live at now? How can she live somewhere else if she's partying at Shelter with Cutter, and having a relationship with him? Does Cutter live with her in her apartment out of town, or does he still live in Llanview, or in his own place nearby where Natalie lives at now?

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Great interview with Michael Fairman. The interview has to be fairly recent since the news about Horgan stepping down as head writer is addressed and that was only about a week ago. Glad she confirmed after speaking to Horgan that it was mostly about the workload being too much.

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Wow! Freak out? Erika said Natalie doesn't live at Llanfair. We already knew that Natalie had her own place. And we don't know the details of Cutter and Natalie's relationship. We don't know a whole lot. It's going to be so much fun to find out.

That's how you have to do it on your pc. On an iPad or iPhone you have to download, the go to videos to view it. Don't know about android tablets or phones.

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Wasn't Natalie one of the names listed as living at the Palace when they released that writer's room pic and we saw the story breakdown chart? I'm actually a little surprised she moved Liam out of a mansion and into a hotel.

One of these days, I'm going to see a OLTL clip and not cry. So far, it hasn't happened yet.

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