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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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It's a shame. PP put out a better product in 40 episodes than ABC did in years. There were just too many obstacles. PP's own screwups, the pissing match with ABC, a problematic customer base, a sabotaging press, and just the logistics of trying to get the shows up and running in a couple of months. The sad thing is that this isn't like a network show getting canceled a couple of episodes in because the network higher-ups decided it wasn't performing well. This isn't Firefly or Moonlight. The will was there. The commitment was there. The talent sure as hell was there. There just wasn't enough money or time for these projects to find their footing and stabilize.

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I just have to say BRAVO to the team that Prospect Park put together. What they did in such a short amount of time is AMAZING. I mean for both shows as well! I would LOVE to see these people have a chance with some of the existing soaps, under similar conditions (i.e., be allowed to write and produce without endless interference).

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I agree. Not sure why Michael was being bashed in the first place when all he did was announce that there would be an announcement, and why this is the bigger issue is totally beyond me. Michael was not wrong, and I truly believe PP backed out of the announcement. Had there not been one bungle after the other, the cancellations would have been easy for PP to announce. Projects fail all the time, but when you have one misstep after the other, admitting something didn't work is much harder to do. And that is all this is, something that didn't work. It happens.

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He's being bashed because he caused a lot of trouble and because of him Debbi Morgan ended up being the one to announce it. If there was an announcement and PP backed out that's because Logan started drama. If there wasn't an announcement, Logan still started drama. ML did absolutely nothing to help this situation and was instrumental in making it ugly and difficult. He could've stayed quiet and let the news drop (assuming there was an official announcement) then reported on it but he wanted attention. PP may be a crazy hot mess but that doesn't change the fact that Logan caused nothing but trouble and he did it entirely for self-serving reasons. He didn't want to report the news, he wanted to make the news.

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I still don't think it has been canceled. I just think it has been put on hold. Since the actors have told us they don't no anything regarding the shows fate she probably listens to the negative soap press and believes them, not realizing how unprofessional they are. I mean, they found out they were canceled from ABC the same way.

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Well, since Debbi said her manager got confirmation from PP's lawyer, it's over. Indefinite hold would be stupid anyway.

There was a problematic fan base for sure. Netflix didn't have to teach people how to use their computer in order to bring back Arrested Development back from the dead. My fantasy is Netflix brings it back :)

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I do hope that PP makes some kind of announcement. I would prefer they sat down with one of the members of the mainstream press that covered this stuff before: LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Variety and gave an interview because I'm more interested in business issues involved. If they talk to the soap press jackals all we'll get is fanboy fapping and grave dancing.

It's interest you say that. Variety just posted this article outlining the difference in usage between Netflix, Amazon and Hulu.


"The Internet video-subscription service, with more than 31 million streaming members in the U.S. alone, uses nearly 20 times more peak-period bandwidth than Amazon video, which has 1.6% share, and is 24 times bigger than Hulu (at 1.3%), according to the study by network-equipment maker Sandvine."

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What? Debbi said she was contacted by PP's lawyer that the project was over and the show was cancelled. Michael Logan had nothing to with it. I believe cast/crew were informed on Friday since the day before that she was saying she hadn't heard anything.

I don't think PP wants to admit failure. They could also be worried about the lawsuit. I'm sure this hurts them in the matter.

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Its very common especially in PT shows to have the shows lawyers inform cast members of firing and/or cancelation. That is how my pal Jon found out two shows of his were done & that he was dropped from another after the pilot

Some are asking? Do they go back to ABC (The rights) & if so will anotherr company take them on?

Its possible someone could be interested but would ABC lease them out again???

I just wanted to say even though PP made a lot of misteps, I do appauld them for trying & getting the shows back on. I was so happy to see 40 more AMC & OLTL episodes. The casts were great as was the BTS Crew. Best of luck to your futures.

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