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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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It's different because, in general, the positive discussion about GH is different, evolving, or based on the curret episode. The negatives are the same posts over and over again. It doesn't bother me, in the slightest. I just don't get the mindset of constantly having to say the same things about why you don't like the show over and over and over. It's not like there's ever any new reasoning.

And no, that's not directed at you.

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No, I said I don't understand the mindset of stating the same opinion 154 times, any time someone likes the show.

It doesn't both me, nor do I think you shouldn't post it. But we all know the group of people who don't like the show. And we know exactly why...So I just fail to see the point of reiterating it nonstop.

And I never bitched about people not loving GH. I could really give a !@#$%^&*] who likes the show. I'm not thrilled with every aspect of it myself

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It's not "keep bringing it up" when it's the first time I've addressed it. And I don't take it as an attack, nor are any of my posts "gushing about the show". I simply stated I don't understand the mindset of certain posters who reply to every poster who enjoys the show by saying the SAME laundry list of reasons why they hate it. Not that it bothers me, I just find it redundant.

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I get where you are coming from on that and I agree to a point. I think part of the problem is that people are stating the same opinion over and over because they are seeing the stuff they hate over and over. If you hate Connie or Britt or Sabrina or "the vampire crap" and you think they are the worst thing happening to the show then you get fresh material to hate every day. (Disclaimer: all I've watched of GH has been Skye's return and ten minutes of Caleb.)

People who like GH state the same opinion over and over. The same is going to be true for people who don't like it.

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What gets me is the people who claim to not even watch the show (here or elsewhere) but can't stop talking about how awful it is. Post after post (or tweet, whatever) about how vampires are killing the show! "Calivia" are an epic fail and are tanking the ratings! ME is so horrible on GH and is going to get yet another soap canceled! Like... how do you know? You're not watching. lol

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I get what you're saying. All I was saying was that, the posts that are "gushing" over the show are usually at least based on the episode that aired that day. Things like: "I loved the scenes with Allison today, So glad to see her again" or "The Caleb scenes were great. I love this story, I've missed Port Charles." or "Lucy's dress was fabulous today. So glad they brought her back!" Whereas the negative posts are: "This isn't GH history, it's a bad camp retread of a show that failed." x 1,000.

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion and of COURSE they should feel free to share it as many times as they want. I just personally don't get the point of expending the energy to say the same thing constantly, when we all get it. That being said, I know I've probably done it,too. I just don't get the mindset of it, generally speaking.


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I'm not saying it shouldn't. More power to them. Like I said, 14 times (LOL), I just don't see the point in wasting my time 1)watching a show that I feel that way about and 2) taking the time to say it every day (multiple times, in many cases.) It's the difference between positive and negative for me. When I'm enjoying a show,I post about it because that's a natural reaction to things you like. When I don't like it, I certainly state my opinion but not necessarily 453 times. It's the same as the people in the prospect park thread who regularly remind us that they think the show will fail and that they won't watch. We don't expect their opinions to change overnight or based on what's happening every day, so why state it repeatedly?

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I never watched one episode of Port Charles, so the vampire storyline has been hard to take because I haven't a clue about Caleb and Livvie's past relationship or the special vampire gifts. I am enjoying ME as Caleb. He's much more animated than when he plays McBain.

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