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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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God. RC was so generous, giving Patrick a whopping 2 seconds to remember his - as far as he knows! - dead wife and mother of his child.

I mean, I know it took valuable time from the Woes of Perfect Polly Pureheart and Her Childhood of Sad Fluffy Bunnies, but hey, Patrick fell in line, so all was good in the end.

I'm gonna need Caleb to suck that Sugar Bitch dry, risk of diabetes in his blood or not. And that is saying something since I despise the vampire crap. But at least it would serve a valuable purpose for a moment.

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That little bitch is propped so hard.

They think that she can take Robin's place. But, even people who weren't huge Robin fans (like me) know that she never will be able to. No matter how much [!@#$%^&*] propping they do.

I mentioned on twitter how bad the show sucked today because of Sabrina. One of my twitter friends who I met on the Perfect Strangers fan site. Who also is a GH fan as well was like "Thank you for giving me an hour of my life back today!" LOL.

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he would if he slept with Alison. The way the show is presenting it, Caleb Morley never existed, but was in fact some persona that this insane Stephen made up. A decade ago, he had a one night stand with Alison and fathered her baby. His wife, Livvie found out, left him and somehow died, which caused him to have a complete psychotic break.. I think that works within the context of the story, but then the holes come in the fact that how would Alison and Lucy have the same story if that was all a ruse? Its plausible to believe that Lucy lost touch with reality and believed in vampires, but another person as well? Not to mention, Livvie living in town having the EXACT same face as Sam and no one notice? I still think this Stephen news article is a cover story Caleb put out there

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I'm not gonna lie. Turned off the episode once Michael and Starr got their lovefest on at the site where her highschool sweetheart and baby girl died. WTF? That just really irked me to no end.

Without the vets this show is in T.R.O.U.B.L.E.! Ugh. I wasn't liking anything in the beginning of the episode. So poorly written. Sigh. I want better!

Patrick's meeting was so lifeless. Jason played it well, honestly, but ... ugh.

I want this vampire stuff wrapped up. I don't hate it, and love that Lynne Herring is working her ass off for this show, but it's time to wrap this baby up and move on.

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I was excited for the 50th anniversary returning vets but other than Lucy, they've all been a big bust! Spreading them out across 1 episode a week does NOT work. You forget they are even there and that's not enough to actually make an impact and be used effectively. What is the point of Kevin coming back? Remove him from the equation and nothing really would have changed in Lucy's plot. Frisco? They just glanced over all his problems and insta-fixxed his relationship with Maxie. I'll give Scott and Laura a chance but so far it seems like they are headed for the same pattern.

If money's an issue, and they cant afford to have them all on at the same time, then don't! Id rather they only pick a few at a time and really utilize them and then move on. They could have brought them back for meaningful arcs and make the next few months a celebration of 50th anniversary . As it stands the spreading out does nothing more than water down what could have been some great appearances

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