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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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That's a good way of thinking about it. I just didn't see the need to explain a cut 5 second scene that is not important to anything going on with the show and then to get pissy when he doesn't like the response?

I appreciate it as well. I really like what I have been witnessing with Todd. I used to be totally against him on this show, and now I hope he stays.

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I appreciated RC's tweet about Mac/Robert and the phone call with Holly. I saw the info about the tweet earlier in the day; when I got home to watch the show, it made more sense that the show opened with a visibly shaken Mac holding his cell phone, before he righted himself to greet Lucy. Although, yeah, I probably wouldn't have noticed at all if I didn't read about the tweet. It was a nice tidbit to have; it would've been better to keep that and cut 15 seconds of awful Kristina or sad Sabrina or crazy Connie.

(Although, I actually thought Connie/Kelly Sullivan was pretty good yesterday, even though I mostly hate the character.)

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Wouldn't have been when he sold Jake's to Luke and Luke renamed it? So, a year ago March?

His significance was first, running the strip club DockHo got her start in, and then just running Jake's and learing at the ladies and just being "friendly comic-relief bartender guy" every now and again . . .and then a brief, ill-advised relationship with Kate when they, I guess, needed to run-out Megan Ward's contract with some appearances or something. It was bizarre, but I wasn't really watching anymore by then.

Didn't I hear the actor was appearing somewhere else now? Maybe Y&R?

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I appreciated the tweet as well. I saw on another board today someone asking how come Mac doesn't know about Robert yet. Honestly, they should have edited out SOME of Connie's airtime and put this little scene in. Connie eats up enough already and this little tidbit would have made a lot of Scorpio/long-time fans happy.

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