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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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I still think Trey (despite seeming too old--he's a year older than me I realized--) actually to my surprise showed a lot of attention. This seems a waste. At the least, if they wanted to make his death really hard on Conniue and sorta humanize her (...) as they seem to want to, t would have meant more if they hadn't rushed this story as they often do and we had seen some scenes of them starting to understand or like each other. Instead we got 1/8th of a scene like that and then bam

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It does to me since I never once bought that Trey was truly in love with Krustina or trusted in her enough to share his inner feelings. I did, however, believe that there was a connection that could've developed into a love-hate attraction between him and Starr.


I should thank my lucky stars that he wasn't Eli'd by being made responsible for everything from 9/11 to Hurricane Sandy.

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Which is why I never saw him as GH's answer to The Rapist Robert Ford. Both EV and Ron actually made me believe that Trey was a sympathetic character in a way that I never did with that blight on OLTL's final years.

I'd like to think that Ron learned his lesson on how to redeem a character from their shady beginnings, but I'm not completely sold on this being more than a fluke.

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I didn't say that they had to ignore it altogether - just simply revisit it at a later date.

I'm right with you about Minnie Mouse Maxie and Jar Jar Binks still funking up the canvas even though I've been lucky enough to barely see her - so far. Jar Jar, on the other hand, is a wet fart that always manages to worm his way into scenes with characters that I tune in to see.

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Oh I totally agree. I think it was just that when he was introduced it DID seem a lot like reality TV producer Ford 2.0--you can't blame people at that point for thinking as much (and maybe he was meant to be more Ford-like, wouldn't be too surprised), but I quite quickly grew into him and for whatever reason (better acting? better writing? the fact he didn't bed vulnerable women and students?) the fact that we find out he comes from a horrible father in both cases. But anyway I grew to quite like the character.

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Wow, Maxie is a foul bitch. Was she really gonna let Dante and Lulu know that their baby is dead via email?

My god Ellie is dense. Spinelli cheated on you, nitwit

Oh wow, Anna and Duke arent dead. I feel as if these scenes should have happened 3 weeks ago

Britt has beautiful eyes

Kudos to Laura Wright. She did amazing work today. Carly and Todd have been a surprising bright spot

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