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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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I liked Rama and Vimal together, much moreso than when she was chasing Cristian, but I can't blame them for necessarily cutting her loose from him a year later on a revived show. She's the character that popped. It's a question of how you write her, and I don't see why someone else shouldn't have a shot. It was the way Carlivati handled her on her own that didn't work, not the premise itself.

The same goes for Cutter, who was most appealing because of Josh Kelly's performance moreso than much of the pretty boilerplate "sexy schemer" writing per se. He was charming and elevated a lot of his material, but he did have some good stuff here and there. I hope that's not a recast but IMO there wouldn't be a point to that. Just create a new character instead with a better foundation.

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Maybe the Palace goes condo like the iconic Palace in Manhattan. Condo converted hotel suites are a great idea in terms of space saving/cost cutting while maintaining the aura of wealth and glamour. There are also dramatic payoffs by putting a lot of characters in the same building.

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But personally I would love to see Jennifer Bassey on AMC just as much as I'd love to see Pat Elliot on OLTL but the thing is that I understand they have a limited budget and those characters just weren't the ones driving story and ratings at the end, so I understand why they wouldn't be contacted immediately.

That being said, they could easily be brought in later or for special occasions.

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Marlene McPherson could fly in to Stamford, CT for meetings. There is also Skype, teleconferencing ... Of all the objections to her, the most ridiculous is that because she lives in L.A., she won't be in the same room as Agnes. So they can only hire East Coast writers?

As for Will's coming out story, I will have to strongly and respectfully disagree that it was rushed, or that there were three scenes on endless loop (coming out to people who don't care, mad at Sami, making googly eyes at EJ) as Carl alleges. Watching it all together, there is lots of psychological introspection with Marlena and quite a bit of stuff with Sonny too. Making eyes at EJ was Chandler Massey's decision as an actor, not the writing. It's true that the story was not just about Will coming out but that is what made it different. It wasn't just another coming out story. It still reached a lot of people. And no "potential" was "ruined." Will's family ties were not discarded. Will is driving the main story right now on Days, which is brilliant, including his relationship with Sonny, and if his "potential" to impact all of Salem had been "ruined" by the previous writing regime, that would not be possible.

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SoapBoy, that's exactly it. There's no point bringing them on to sit and do nothing, unless it's for recurring appearances.

Let's assume the cast list is legit. What are things you guys are pleased to see and what are your biggest problems with inclusions/exclusions?

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Personally I'm pleased to see Matthew, Destiny, Dani & Jack on there. I was watching the show those last two years and was interested in their stories the most. I can't wait to see how things go with Matthew/Destiny. It's going to be a little weird & disappointing w/new actors though I think.

One Ford bro I liked, Nate, was excluded from the list...I totally wouldn't mind if they brought him on and continued his love story w/Dani.

The only inclusion that really bothers me is David's. UGH! The worst.

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