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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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When you have Will only in family scenes with Marlena (which was basically the same scene over and over) while spitting bile at his parents and telling them EJ is his only true parent (or Rafe, before Marlene or someone else cut that relationship out entirely), I'd say the family potential is wasted. But we can agree to disagree.

I think Jennifer Bassey was trying to say there's potential for the character outside of Stuart. I don't see David Canary being involved in this, although I'd love it if he was. Marian likely wouldn't be an alcoholic nympho with Stuart around.

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Renee has had nothing to do for a very long time. We were teased with a budding s/l where she and Nigel were going to take Kim down, but AS ended up leaving and it ended before it even began.

If I brought Renee back, she wouldn't just be sitting people for dinner and trading the occasional word with a Buchanan. She'd be running Bunny Ranch East on the 7 1/2 floor.

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I don't know if I'd care about Matthew with a new actor. I know I won't care about his relationship with Destiny, because I never did. I just hope they actually use his child in stories, instead of having him raised by Nora's invisible parents, or Rachel.

I'd like to see them move her away from being so judgmental all the time.

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I think given what would be a very clenched budget for these shows at least at first, the most we can expect for a lot of those non-essential vets like Marian or Roxy or Renee is guest appearances or recurring. You have to strip these shows to the minimums, possibly rotating people out from arc to arc. I was frankly surprised to see so many people listed on what looked like a contract cast list for OLTL. But I doubt that list was complete, either. Not enough potential romances.

I'll always care about Matthew, and Eddie was not going to come back. He's in L.A. So fine, age them and get a good actress as Destiny. It's the natural progression, for us to follow those two as young adults with their child. With a solid actress and decent writing they may actually make me able to really invest in Matthew and Destiny as a couple. I found them inoffensive but very underwritten before. But the foundation is there to use.

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The Good

Diversity- Jeffrey sounds like an interesting addition. Certainly something we wouldn't have seen on ABC. Same thing with Rama. Destiny evens things out.

Vets- Plenty of vets Bo/Nora/David/Dorian/Clint/Blair/Tea if all the original actors come back

Balance- So far looks like a good balance of vets and younger characters.

Leads- It appears like Matthew will be leading the younger set. Bout time this character got his due


The Bad

Dani- I'm sure KM will be returning as Dani. Looks like she's being de-SORASED to be younger than Jack. My only issue is that it will be weird to watch Matthew/Destiny in college and Dani in high school when just last year they were all seniors.

-I would have liked to see Rachel back. I would have traded Rama for her.

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I just feel like a lot of Matthew's stories mostly worked because of Eddie. I care about the idea of Matthew, but if someone like Lenny Platt had been in those stories, I would not have been interested.

Destiny to me was a plot device, not a character, but I wouldn't mind seeing her if they knew what to do with her. I would have chosen to start with a new character, but if they're using Destiny, then I hope we'll get to see more of her parents too.

I also think a recast Layla, and bringing in her mother again, could have potential.

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I agree with you about Renee and making her into a big character again. She would work better in occasional appearances anyway.

The one I really wish they could get back for a guest spot is Michael Storm. It has been almost a decade since Larry has been in Llanview...at least on screen anyway. Now that would be a nice treat to long-time OLTL fans.

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Billy might be said new character I think

As for romances, Dani could be in a triangle with Matthew and Destiny. Not sure about Jack but I hope to god Neela is long gone.

Ps, Tea mentioned Dani was at college so she's a freshman and I'd assume they're aging Matthew and Destiny beyond that age.

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