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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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Zarf was crap; I'd forgotten about that story, Bianca's rape was misogynistic but I didn't think it was homophobic (it easily could have been but by and large I didn't think it was). Maggie was a poorly written character, but I didn't have any real problem with her, or even with the way she questioned her sexuality (I do think it sucked to suddenly have her be with Bianca only because the actresses were leaving the show). The return was crap but nothing that offensive.

I hated Will's story because they took away any family drama. They took away any drama. They rushed every single part of his realization process and coming out. This was apparently meaningless to them. What they gave instead was three scenes (Will coming out to people who didn't care, Will raging at Sami to remind us that, for no apparent reason, he was just like her, Will humping EJ's leg as EJ trotted out stale innuendo) on a loop. Any potential was ruined. And there was a lot of potential in a character with the ties that Will Horton had to Salem. Instead the only real moment where Will's sexual orientation was an integral part of a story was after Marlene and Darrell got the boot.

That's why I don't want her writing those types of stories again. I don't want to see another "legacy" character just making goo-goo eyes at men who raped their mother. It's not a story, to me.

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I haven't been keeping up much with the AMC side of this, but has anyone seen these tweets before?

  1. Heard they want a different kind of AMC. Aging the little kids and the parents around 40. Hope I've heard wrong. Love Vincent. luv u all xx

  2. Heard they, (AMC) only want 40ish and younger. They are missing out on a great nypho, alcoholic. some people have no taste at all. Oh well.

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So they're going to have Rama (who for me was ruined after they sent Vimal away for a while and she became another generic bimbo schemer), and Cutter (who was probably one of the dullest and most ill-conceived characters on OLTL's last years, aside from the Fords - if people didn't want to have sex with Josh Kelly, would anyone remember this character?), but no one like Vimal? That's a shame. I liked Vimal. I thought he was a nice throwback to some of OLTL's old quirky but likeable characters.

She's seen all kinds of sexism and ageism in the industry, so I can't blame her. She did admit she might be wrong in the later message.

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