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This is what I need to do: download the latest Big Bang concert and watch it and truly appreciate. Have you ever watched Superman Returns? Tablo is in it, he has a little girl called Haru who is BFFs with Taeyang and has the biggest crush on GD. It is supercute because GD is very shy about it too.

Anyway... it happened. EXO's Call Me Baby mv is OUT

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I... don't know what to say about the styling. The song is a bop and I love the cars. But lawd Xiumin has a top knot and Kai thinks he is living the thug life with that grease pit for a hairdo. Obviously I would take him however whenever but... woah.

His dancing is still on point though.









But it's clear that in mv terms, Beast's 12.30 and Red Velvet's Ice Cream Cake are more interesting. I'm not going to touch on EXO's Overdose and Growl :lol:

As far as songs are concerned, there are plenty I like but this one (What If) I am listening to a lot. Here is the M version:

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I did but that was long before I got into K-pop so I wouldnt have noticed

I saw that earlier and the first thing that came through my mind was "Call me Baby? BTOB, called and they want their concept back


EXO, stay having lame MVs. I was hoping for more but its usually just some big dance number. They havent had a good video since the MAMA era. The song is catchy. I still need to listen to the album though


I have to say Suho looks so good here

BTW, have to watched EXO-Planet? Thats one concert Ive been meaning to watch for a while but I also have Taeyang's, Winner's and 1 or 2 of 2PM

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Call Me Baby has grown on me and Im hooked now. I wish the video was splashier but I like it now more than I did before. The boys had their comeback stage and they are promoting My Answer alongside this single. Thats a slower ballad and I love that Suho is featured in it bc the same 2-3 guys are always chosen for that

I got to listening the new album and aside from that my favorites are El Dorado, Transformer, Exodus and Hurt



They are going on a world tour starting this month. I hear they will be performing new music with it. Thank god!

Red Velvet


The girls are experience success with Ice Cream Cake. Good for them! Cat, you mentioned it above but I dont think I commented on there now being 5 members. When I first saw them I knew something was off but couldnt quite figured it out. I tried to recall which color each girl was associated with and was driving myself crazy trying to remember the fifth. Of course then I went online and saw a new girl had just been added....lol

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I love the album tbh. I always love EXO's music because that is how I came into this group -- via the music I couldn't get out of my head. CMB is an ear worm and has totally grown on me. I too love their comeback stages thus far, especially today's Inkiyago recording where they all look non-greasy and fluffy and clean! laugh.png CMB is a fun jam. Out of the album, I too like Exodus, Transformer, Hurt and El Dorado. But my heart is feeling the ballads too. My Answer is def old skool but Baekhyun, D.O. and Suho slay. IMO, Suho's voice is at its most beautiful in the song Beautiful. I really feel he takes it another level there.

My fave song on the album is What If. It's a grower but now I can't stop listening to it. I think it is on a par with What is Love tbh.

Oh Big Bang. YG are handling this supposed comeback so messily.

Yes there is a new girl in RV and I think she is only 15 or 16! In the mv I can't really tell her apart from the others, but I have seen some backstage fancams and she looks cute, fun and feisty. When it comes to RV, my ears are always slayed by Wendy's vocals, and my eye is always on Joy and Seulgri. Joy and Seulgri have distinctive looks and faces that exude charisma IMO. They are the stars of RV for me. And I am so pleased that this comeback has been embraced by fans! I love the slightly spooky girl-pop concept, even though some of those girls look less good with blonde hair than others.

Well would you look at that. I am almost stanning a k pop girl group! tongue.png

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EXO is promoting Exodus in this comeback. Good bc I love the song. Props to them for doing this along with CMB bc both have complex dance numbers. I REALLY love Chanyeol's singing voice in this. Its too bad he's the best rapper they have bc he rarely gets to sing as a result, but he has a good voice and hope he gets more in the future. BTW, I love this performance of CMB and how it was like a live version of the MV.

You will notice someone is missing and its Tao. At first I wondered if he was the next member of EXO-M to quit...lol. Turns out he is injured and bc of that cant perform

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I wondered how long it would take for Suho to start crying and he barely lasted a week into the Comeback...lol


They did an AMAZING cover to Shinhwa's "Brand New". Never heard the song before but like it now bc of them. Man their vocals and choreography was on point here


He's about to drop an EP any minute now! I cant wait bc its been far too long since the last one


Kikwang from Beast did a Men's Health pictorial




Junhyung did an interview where he talked about the members: http://theb2utynotes.com/?p=1863

I love that guy



Speaking of Beast, their next digital single, Hands Up, was released today. I still need to go listen to it.

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EXO "lost" another member since my last post.. Apparently Lay is doing some acting in China so he isnt promoting CMB anymore, which brings the count down to 8. Some are speculating that SME is trying to phase the Chinese members out of the group and all 4 are now gone, at least temporarily. I really dont feel as if the absenses have affected the group. With Lay gone, Suho and Xiumin got his lines which is a good thing since both were severly underused in the song. On a related note, it is hilarious how each time someone goes missing, another member gets a letter added to their shirt...lol

ETA: Scratch what I said bc it looks like Lay is back: http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/04/exo-wins-1-on-sbs-inkigayo-performances-by-jjcc-shin-bora-more



Seungri is now blonde. I guess it was inevitable as he was the only member after 9 years to never go blonde. Im sure he will slay the look

Gray, Jay Park, Loco

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AOMG has been busy with new music and I love the songs!


The boys also released the second single off their new Japan label, called Hands Up



This is the new sub-unit from Block B. Im mesmorized by that photo. That boy and the shot is just beautiful

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ETA: OMG -- we posted around the same time! And about similar topics! laugh.pnglaugh.png

First of all, who is that in your dp? Thank you for answering my question. I think I recognize Dujoon in your sig!

I am all over this EXO comeback. EXO have been slaying the live shows and I really enjoy when they rotate the second song. Exodus is extremely catchy and hopefully this will be the next release, but I think El Dorado will be that one. In the meantime, EXO have won six out of six award shows, including another Inkiyago today!

Minseok channelled Boy George


Chanyeol spent time with da laydeez and fondled fruit -- and IA, CY's voice just gets better and better. I love the richness he adds to the vocal line.


In addition to CY, D.O. and Chen, I think Baekhyun's vocals (on the album especially) have been a standout. Plus he's so good at performing.


Obviously I am all over Kai's 'Greaser Mechanic/Gigolo' look (and his fake earring -- see below), but honestly he is so pretty and his dancing has been on point this cb. You know I am a serious stan when his hair looks like that.


The sad thing is not seeing Lay or Tao in promotions. Tao apparently seriously damaged his foot at these Idol Oly,mpics (don't ask) and cannot walk without crutches. Lay meanwhile is filming a movie in China with Zhang Ziyi, one of the country's biggest stars. At least I hope that's it. SM have financed a Chinese composing studio for Lay so I don't think he will be leaving anytime soon as he is ambitious and doing a ton of solo projects. However, after KrisHan, I still worry. Glad he came back for Inkiyago today! He was one of the standouts in the music video of CMB too.


This is from another performance but... Chen, boo, what are you even doing?


In other news.... Taeyang got injured in LA -- where I assume a BB music video is being filmed.


Apparently it is not threatening to the comeback so hopefully he will be on his feet soon. Meanwhile, GD is rocking some 70s sideburns. I don't know how I feel about those.

BtoB deserve so much good fortune. They work so hard but don't get nearly the buzz or marketing might of a group like EXO, Big Bang, BTS or GOT7. I feel like next comeback they need to take a big risk with the concept and go somewhere off-center with the look and sound.

Speaking of Got7 -- Jackson Wang cleans up pretty good when he takes off his snapback and puts on a tuxedo (below, right)!


Damn Kikwang. Work that body, honey! He really is the visual I guess!

Is that Dongwonie on the drums? OMG *swooooooooooooooooooooooon* His jawline is to die for.

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LOL....Bastarz released their MV and here it goes

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I wasnt expecting to but I like it


tumblr_nmr7idcn0N1qajlydo2_250.gif tumblr_nmr7idcn0N1qajlydo1_250.gif


U-Kwon continues to be beautiful

IA with all of this. Im obssessed with CMB myself and this album is really good. Im really digging the fashion and that they are finally dressing down again bc they were always in suits for Overdose

I'll disagree with you here bc I hate Kai's greasy hair look....lol.

Ive never been on Lay so honestly not missing him. I never noticed how good a dancer he is though until this. He's probably second best to Kai. I am however missing Tao. He and his eyes are just very nice to look at visually and I dig his hair.

He got injured? I thought they were just playing around. Im not sure BB filmed a video though bc I dont recall seeing Daesung or T.O.P there

IA about BTOB. Ive been listening to their fall album again and Ive gained a new appreciation for the single and the performances. They did better than I initially gave them credit for. They do need a breakout comeback and taking a risk with the concept would help.

Yes to Kikwang's body! And yes thats DW




Never heard of Cross Gene before but I saw these gifs of member, Casper, and DAMN is all I have to say

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EXO tea!



Tao's father is demanding that he leaves the group. WTF is happening with them? They keep losing members and its all the ones I like in M. Chen better not be next



I feel for the guy sad.png



I was really digging EXO, but this group came and killed that obsession. Im all over Zero for Conduct. Thats such a hot track and its hard to listen to them and go back to the more light pop sound of EXO's recent album



U-Kwon wub.png



They stealth dropped a new album 2 weeks ago. Ive been listening to it and loving it. 13 tracks PLUS 6 solos. I was not ready for this

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It finally happened, BIGBANG is BACK! They are releasing their album, MADE in 4 seperate parts over the next 4 months, which Im not a fan of. The first two songs/MVs have been released. I like Loser, but not a fan of Bae Bae yet. Its just....weird for lack of a better word


As expected Seungri is SLAYING the blonde look. He looks better than all of them as a blonde and unlike Taeyang, Im not clamoring for him to change it


Just NO


He can be so dumb....lol.....


yet so sexy. Lucky girl


I have to admit it but they are my latest obsession. It seems as if SME has put all their eggs into the EXO basket, which is imploding when these guys are super talented. I hope they get a strong push in 2015

Lucifer....thats the song that made me fall for them.

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Wow...The "Bae Bae" video is exactly why I think KPop productions are above and beyond all the rest. The amount of effort and quirky details that go into the MV's are top notch. With this one I love all the color and then the sudden clear/white look when it gets to Seungri's parts. I LOVE the song btw already. The instrumental is infectious and I'm obsessed with the melody of the chorus. When it cuts to Seungri's parts I MELT, although I wish he could've been switched with Daesung so he could've gotten a stab at the chorus. The song is actually the perfect length, but w/this one I wish they would've added another 30 or so seconds so Seungri could sing the chorus too.

I'll have to figure out what the song actually means. GD/TOPS parts seemed out of place especially TOP's. LOL. "Bae Bae" while very current, still is an odd choice as I don't think I even heard them clearly say that ever lol

And "Sorry"...DAMN. This video gave me the feels. The song will have to grow on me but the story was there. I was especially heartbroken by the TOP scenes. Wow. Wow.

Seungri has never looked better.

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Truer words have never been spoken. I feared for his look if and when he eventually went blonde, but the look suits him so well. He always looked good but he's leagues better than the rest now.



Im convinced BIGBANG, took that part of the concept from 2PM

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Well its official and Im fully obsessed with them. That highlight medley is of their 3rd Korean album, Why So Serious? The Misconceptions of Me, which happens to be my favorite of theirs (Yes Ive listened to them all!)


Check out that performance. They are like perfection.

Because they are so good, I had to post this as well. It's Password, from their second Japanese album




Minho....my absolute favorite

Bae Bae is growing on me but I really dislike GD's part. I wish they'd release a cut where they edit him out. I think the song really would work best as a Taeyang solo featuring T.O.P. Taeyang's parts are the best by far and T.O.P's rap adds nice contrast. I dont feel Daesung adds anything that Taeyang doesnt and this song isnt really suited for Seungri

Hyunseung (Beast)

Dude just released his first solo EP. He ditched Hyuna and is back to the sexy feel and blonde look from his last Troublemaker EP

Jay Park




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