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GH: August 2012 Discussion Thread

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Why? JJ was a dead weight on the show the last time around and the show hasn't suffered from his absence. GH already has plenty of OLTL people. TSJ tanks all his scenes and doesn't want to be there anyway. Will GH viewers care about comic relief Todd angsting over a guy they don't know and a baby given to a woman they barely know?

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I don't know why. I last hear TSJ booked Tarzan in 3D and didn't have any interest in GH. I don't even know why RC is writing stories based off actor's

who aren't even on contract) schedules instead of just writing the show.

I could do without JJ and his new show does not look appealing based on promos.

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I think he got lazy like the rest and the crying and screaming became a Crutch so that he didn't need to do more.Hes also a so called great actor who I have never seen elevate those around him where someone like Jane Elliott and yes even Geary has the ability to do that. It's all personal taste. Greg Vaughn for all the dishes on his acting, I think has more charisma and screen presence than JJ. Quite an accomplishment based on the awful way his Lucky was treated and written for or not written for I should say.

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JJ is far from a bad actor. He's actually quite good, but he's a little too country for me. As adult Lucky, I was not sold. GV was adult Lucky and so easy on the eyes. Bringing JJ back was for the purpose of making the character more pathetic, and JJ could carry those emotional scenes much better. However, this ultimately led to JJ wanting out of the role. He couldn't take that wailing sap any more than the audience could.

I never wanted him back, and letting such eye candy like go when he was capable was a mistake. Gonna be catching his pretty ass on Days for sure! Go away Galen Gering!

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I'm not seeing GV as having more screen presence or more charisma as JJ. GV was sensitive and effective as loser Lucky because no one at the writing staff ever gave him a break and he was a likable everyday man. That was mostly it. I think the only thing GV had as an actor over JJ was that he was better in romantic scenes. In terms of a dramatic actor he was more limited then JJ was, by far. GV was never able to bring Lucky to the emotional highs and lows JJ did. Look no further then their confrontation scenes with Liz over Jason and Nikolas, and you know which one is the stronger dramatic force. As for JJ not being able to elevate others in a scene, that's not his job. His job was to use the material he was presented with and give out a stand out performance and he did that consistently. It's not JJ's fault RH, TC and SB could not match his performances when he was in scenes with them. I will say that TG did up his performances whenever JJ was in the picture though and I think they did some of their best work together.

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Well never agree so I don't see the point. As for what I as a viewer enjoyed more, I enjoyed GV's Lucky punching out Jason a heck of a lot more than the screamathon at Liz JJ did. When you are given Emmy bait time and time again something's going to give. And great actors can elevate others, if anything I'd say Becky Herbst made his Lucky more tolerable just as GFs Laura always did. And I'm no Becky fan.

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Joss remembers who Jax is? I didnt think she would. Speaking of which, I cant take this girl's non-acting. GH casting stinks when it comes to the youngsters. Cameron and the last kid that played Jake are like the only shning stars out of the bunch

Jerry just strolling around town with no disguise rolleyes.gif

Free Tracy! She and Luke are sooooooo annoying. Surprised she and Joe dint know each other. I thought for sure they were going to get a "The City" connection

Was this the first time that Jax and Carly interacted since he "died"

I cant stand this Starr creature and Michael isnt much better. How dare he just go through Trey's laptop. I have to say its foolish of Trey to not have a password

Not sure if I like or hate Johnny's new hairstyle yet

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