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GH: Discussion for the Month of May

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As you said, everyone has a right to an opinion and I disagree with the notion that mine is less valid because I haven't been tuning in every single day. The same complaints are being uttered day in and day out (complaints that I happen to disagree strongly with, since I enjoy what some find offensive about RC's version of this show/soaps), so I highly doubt that my tuning in next week will change my outlook on the show.

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I think at points they tried pretty hard to make her more than she is now. There's something about JMB's acting that makes her difficult to pair. She has a kind of cold remoteness and she's pretty much asexual.

ETA: This is in response to Susan Hunter's post. I got no dog in that other fight.

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The playing with ages thing I think is all about making the middle aged Maurice Benard into the forever young Sonny. The same with Jason and Alexis. Usually characters get SORASed but on GH they cling to these Methuselah actors and insist they look younger than they are, can play younger than they are, and do everything they can to not replace them with people who are what they are. Kelly Sullivan looks like Maxie's sister and no older than Dante. Olivia looks no older than Dante practically. They was nothing wrong with the first Kate other than she didn't look 30. Tony Geary and Tristan Rogers reached the point were they could not play young romance, and they had Jack Wagner for that. With Maurice Benard they just keep making Sonny younger. Same for Steve Burton. Meanwhile actual young actors like Jason Cook or Chad Duell don't get stories.

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I find if I surgically edit out Jason, Sam, Carly and Sonny via FF the show is pretty darn good. Especially removing Jason and Sonny does wonders and the stories with Ronnie, Kate and Maxie have entertained me quite nicely. It is only when the drip Sam shows up to whisper and get teary eyed to discuss that baby the show comes to a screeching halt.

That said, if someone does not watch a show their opinion by definition can't be as valid as someone who does. You might be able to make pretty good assumptions but that's as far as it goes. I have found Y&R boring every time I tried to watch for 30 years. I have not watched the show in a year or three because it sucks. I can't prove it sucks or go into detail why it sucks but I am 100% sure if I turn it on it will suck based on 30 years of experiment and result when I try to watch it.

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I watched a few scenes this week, but I discovered it worked better if I turned off my TV when the mobettes showed up. I don't need that kind of torture in my life. All of the mobettes suck, Sonny, Jason, Carly, Sam and Michael. If they had a dog, I'm sure I would hate it too.

I'm really enjoying JL's Maxie. She was my favorite in all the scenes I watched.

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Re LuLu I've never found her sexy,sultry, she films asexual for me even w/the bustier & mucho love scenes w/Dante early on. I notice it as early as her storyline w/Dillon.

by the time this storyline is over I guess I'm being trained to root for their baby.poor Sam after years of sitting on Jason's couch blubbering about a baby she was shot & couldn't conceive because of Jason, she endured an operation, she's been raped because of Jason (but she doesn't remember) on their honeymoon that was aired for weeks & now this carrying is evil twin's brother's seed that Jason doesn't know if he can accept/love this baby & lo & behold now she's been kidnapped has the sympathy card if it turns out to be Jason's afterall

this what a sigh of relief, getting the writing is a beautiful thing. Err and please don't forget

"the baby's father is Jason Morgan"

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For me it's just not Carly, Sonny, and Jason its everything with them and surrounding them and sadly that's still at least 75 percent of the show. Add Starr, McBain, and Alexis to that list also.Kelly Monaco, I so love her in person, is just a continued bag of low energy nothingness as Sam. I swear I was watching a diff character when she was paired with charismatic Lucky.

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She was front burner for awhile, she just recently got back burnered this year or so under Garin Wolfe. I think the character was at her best when she was paired with Dillon and Johnny, those were easily her most interesting pairings to me.

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I think it's the tone of the show, above all else. That same stale camp. I am used to hating the mob stuff, but some of the rest is just as ridiculous, like horrible self-righteous Spinelli all over Maxie's trial, which in itself makes no real sense and seems like stalling for drama.

There's such a lack of community feel, which is the biggest failing. I cringe every time I see Anna waffling around over her two favorite men and the show barely bothering to put her in token scenes with other characters.

A lot of it may also be from watching OLTL. If I'd never seen McBain before I might be able to go along with, "Yay, he's standing up to the mob, will he take Jason's girl, what a stud and he's so 'snarky!'" Since I saw him on OLTL, I know just what a limp dick soul sucker he is.

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