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GH: Discussion for the Month of May

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Ok I'm not getting this...when Connie was talking to the receptionist guy at the airport, Kate was in Connie's head yelling & trying to get him to hear her. Um so Kate can hear what's going on now? What about when Connie was sleeping with Johnny? Kate was acting like she didn't know what happened. Didn't she hear the moaning? And how does she not know what Connie did to Ewen in his office??

I was LMAO during Carly and Connie's fight. That was not good at all! It was so awkward. LW was trying and KS was trying TOO HARD!

LOL at the show getting Ronnie shirtless while his days on the show are numbered. Why wasn't I surprised? ;-P

I'm still trying to figure out what caused him to snap.

I disagree. I think it's clever how they've been brought in, especially Luke. I think it's doing some good for his character.

And I agree with Cheap about Lulu. She's been involved in this for quite a while now. I don't think it really matters that she's not a detective. LOL.

Luke does belong in this story because his daughter has been kidnapped...lol

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I was sort of wondering that as well, but then I remembered that on OLTL sometimes characters would just go over the top crazy without any real explanation. Like that guy who was involved with Blair and to some degree Marty Saybrooke. I could understand her being upset, but throwing that chick off the roof was a little much.

Something else I've noticed is that Ron likes cheap hotels to be the setting of lots of action.

Was the Connie/Kate DID story started by the last writer?

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There is some doubt about that because Carlivati said that he was going based on what was there, but I took that to mean he decided Connie changing her name to Kate and being seen as two different people meant she had to have DID. Before he took over there was no real indication she had DID.

Ron's hallmark is instant psycho, and unfortunately, as with Det. Shoe Polish, it's usually about as dramatic as a fish finger.

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Lulu is Dante's wife. Thats been her connection here and she's been used as a vehicle to make it even more personal for Dante as she becomes the next potential victim of the attacker. Just bc Michael, Dante and Delores are the ones that were in it for the initial setup means they should be the only characters in this story months down the line

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It's not like Michael was never able to get a story. For maybe two years Michael had non-stop attention and Lulu could not get herself arrested by the writers. Delores is just a supporting prop, not a real character. Lulu needed a story and Michael needed a rest.

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Am I the only one that thought that it was about time Carly walked in on her man in bed with another woman, after what she put Bobbie through?

I just wish we had gotten a scene of Carly running to Bobbie, hurt, and Bobbie just saying: "Now you know what it feels like."

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Who in general would say something like that? huh.png I don't even like Carly, but even I find that exchange to be highly improbable.

"Oh my boyfriend cheated on me... Never mind - can't be mad, I guess I deserved it. mellow.png "


I don't know a single person who would respond that way after finding out they have been cheated on.

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