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GH: Discussion for the Month of May

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Thanks for responding, but I don't understand why I have such a difficult time believing this. It is a soap after all. I have no problem dealing with EJ DiMera being a 35 year old man, when he was born in 1998 or Hope Logan on BB, but Dante just really bothers me. Maybe its the actor. Also thanks for explaining that this is a history rewrite for Kate. I'm not suggesting that Connie from Bensonhurst couldn't get into Yale. but it is hard to imagine someone that wild and out of control having the grades or SAT scores to even be considered.or even want to go.

I'm not going to bitch about Ron Carlivarti, because I really don't mind his writing, but it is clear that he came of age during the days of big hair, shoulder pads and camp just based on his characters.

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The problem is that those days also had heart. Santa Barbara, DAYS, GH, OLTL, AMC, Y&R, Knots Landing...the closest to this cold and badly written style is Dynasty, and at least that had Heather Locklear and Joan Collins. His writing is too sour and bitter to make the constant fakery work. It comes across like a very bitter drag queen laughing at herself while everyone else knows to stay away.

He looks too old. I have never understood why he was cast. It certainly wasn't based on acting or charisma, IMO. Most of the time he looks confused.

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I'm pretty sure it's bc he resembles MB. As Sonny's son, he was perfectly cast and he looks young enough to be his son. The problem comes when looking at LL as his onscreen mother, but really she was a nonfactor for TPTB. It was all about MB and Sonny
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The problem for me is GH loves to keep people in a certain age bracket for awhile even when they don't look it at all. Johnny and Dante look like they are in their 30s and instead of bringing on 20 year olds they write it so these men are still in the 20s scene.

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He and MB look alike in the face but I don't think they should cast based on that.

The main problem is there has never been a real purpose for Dante outside of his first story. I wish they'd had the guts to have Sonny kill him.

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As you can gather by my posts, I don't share the same outlook as the majority of this board when it comes to this show. Therefore, what you see as "negative", I see as "fairly positive". I've always maintained that while this show isn't perfect and will never reach the wonderful level that it was at in the 90s, it is miles better than the fuckery that Guza shat out. I stand by that and will continue to as long as Ron continues to improve the show.

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yeah but alot of people on here who you go back and forth with have been commenting on how that isnt the case and that its worse. I think alot of it is blown out of proportion, but watching the show, I can understand the complaints, which are valid. Everyone has a right to their opinion but usually an opinion is based on what one has actually witnessed. I just dont get the going out of your way to defend it so much when you havent been watching for yourself and for all you know, you could very well be wrong

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Why has it been so hard to find a guy to pair Lulu with? Is it an actress thing? I will admit that when I first started watching the show again and found out who she was, I was surprised that she was Lulu. I guess I was expecting something different. It seems like she really isn't a main character and they don't really give her much to do. Did I miss when she was a front burner character? Was she good?

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