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GH: Discussion for the Month of May

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I haven't been watching since mid-March (as I'll be tuning back in via YT in a week when

) so all I've been commenting on is online hearsay about the show. From what I saw back then, Starr wasn't wheezing one bit and was fine to me.

As for "gossipy Black dayplayer"? Why am I not surprised that Ron tried to bring in a Benita Butrell to the show? Much as I've enjoyed Ron's camptasticness, he is absolutely shitty when it comes to the portrayal of Black female characters (Vivian, being the exception).

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I understand that soaps play with ages, but they usually blur out actual dates. Aren't Sonny, Kate and Olivia the same age? So how old is Dante? That really bothers me for some reason.

Anyway, can anyone explain how wild child, hellraiser Benson Hurst Connie got into Yale? I think its Yale, since she stopped in Connecticut. I guess I'm just trying to figure out the backstory of this character.

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You get very passionate about defending RC's writing of the GH and go on about how its much better than before....yet you havent even been watching it for yourself.

Funny you say that bc a couple of months ago, Starr didnt even have a year on her license. Yes they are all about the same age, at least within a year of each other. Dante is in his late 20s, possibly even 30 by now/ The Bensonhurst crew should all be at least in their mid 40s, not late 30s

Sounds like rewriting of her history.They are trying to say that Kate was like this when she was a teen and only changed when she decided to change her identity, but as far as I know, she was never described as this crude, obnoxious, wild bitch.

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They did this with "Teen Jess" too. Supposedly the trauma of the electric shock combined with Mitch's attempted rape made Jess forget everything after she was in high school and in love with Cris. But "Teen" Jess acted nothing like the Teen Jess we all saw grow up on the show. It was ridiculous. Young Jess never schemed to get a man, among other things. It's just a device to allow these characters to do the most outlandish things Ron can conceive. It doesn't have to make sense. So much of his plot point writing never does.

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otherwise known as the storyline I found so offensive that i dropped the show. They were really insulting our intelligence as viewers with that crap. I hated how the chracters almost acted like it was normal and just allowed her early 30s ass enroll in highschool and scheme to get her teacher. Yeah bc Jessica was really like that when she was a teen wacko.png . I couldnt even bother with that crap bc it was beyond stupid

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