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DAYS: SOD reports huge exits to come

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I really get the feeling that everything is unraveling behind the scenes, like Guiding Light in the final Pepack days or AMC during the Kreizman disaster. The writing is on the wall, everyone knows things are only going to get worst, it's soon going to be each man for himself to find employment.

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Same here. Granted, DAYS's cast needed pruning. However, every time TPTB put us on this merry-go-round, the excitement and enthusiasm decreases by half. Unless they right some serious wrongs and bring back characters such as Bill, Laura, Mike, Doug & Julie (on contract!), Sarah & Melissa, etc., I just don't give a damn.

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Instead of doing the merry-go-round and firing people and bringing people back, why not just have this be a smaller show that is primarily about the Brady family like B&B is primarily about the Forresters? Cut 10 characters and don't introduce any new ones or have anyone return. It could work.

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the hortons are never coming back these are the guys that wanted to get rid of them last time and look who's back yup these guys Melissa Reeves is so leaving when her contracts up and as Susan Hayes stated in an interview they wanted to burn the horton set not as a storyline but just not use it and ditch it in the garbage.this show is a joke now and im never watching again.

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I feel like Ashford could get decent work if he wanted, I think he's a great actor. He was on 90210 briefly, but was also a victim of their reboot (that series has managed to have more reboots than Days in the span of four years) where they dropped his storyline out of nowhere. Because it was a Shenae Grimes story and she can't carry a damn thing.

I actually like the B&B idea. I wouldn't mind a much smaller Days cast where they continue to work within the confines of the Brady family, with a couple extras (Kate, Marlena, Sonny).

This is probably a topic for another thread, but I don't even think daytime drama in general is dead. When I'm out with friends, everyone knows soaps and what's going on in them, they watched them years ago, they pop in from time to time. But it's just not giving people what they expect from comfort television at this point. Let's just say, if the #1 show on cable is The Closer and procedurals are the norm, why aren't soaps doing that? I honestly think an Edge of Night-esque show with a procedural element could thrive. Imagine a small cast of characters solving a different crime every two weeks (a case would span two weeks). It'd be just as high rated as a L&O rerun and I think any network would be happy with that.

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I think the soaps have tried to focus on crime stories, but most of those stories have been terrible. They can't write them or they aren't allowed to write them properly, or both. The real problem may be that they have too many characters who stay around permanently - EON had high cast turnover. Of course when you have godawful "writers" like Sheffer or Hamner trying to belch out mysteries, nothing will improve.

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This really doesn´t make any sense. If Christian has a such good feedback why they´d cut the J/J/D triangle so abruptly and even admitted the character (meaning Daniel) needs a reset? They could just go with their original plans and use Jack as the obstacle for Dan and Jen. They invested so much to make that triangle work. Till January Missy was in all kind of media almost weekly trying to sell the story. The negative feedback had to be beyond massive if they rather put her (and Jack) on four months hiatus (so far) than continue with that original outlines.

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I could see the idea of Daniel getting good feedback (just an isolated scene), and he did seem to have some fans with Chloe, but this particular story seemed to be loathed by many. I just wonder if they will go there again and assume this time they can fix it, or if the story failed because of Jack.

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Oh, I'd never want it under the guidance of current soap headwriters. I haven't seen a soap writer write a decent mystery in years. The last one I probably enjoyed was the Music Box Killer and even that wasn't as tightly plotted as a primetime can be. But I think if you got some network to try something fun and high profile you could lure writers to it who can do the job.

Hell, if soaps would try to hire new writers and get them used to the rigors of daily production and move them up to the top it'd do wonders for the genre.

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