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GH: Discussion for the Month of April

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I don't even like Jason/Sam but my god talk about torturing a couple. I was actually hoping there'd be some happiness for them so I wouldn't feel the need to slit my wrists every time they were onscreen brooding.

Anyone care that Robin is "dead" anymore?

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I can justify Sam's instant confiding in John for two reasons:

1. because someone is finally allowing her to have a point of view and is forcing her to consider what she is going through instead of how this affects Jasus

2. she has far more chemistry with McBain than she's ever had with her roided goiter of a husband

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Like you, I don't care about the fate of Jasam which is why I will be A-OK if they are dead so that I no longer have to see Sam (who seems to have some sort of life away from the roided goiter) stifle herself to coddle her shitty husband. If John McBain is the key to Sam actually getting away from the sucktastic mob circle and getting some sort of personality, then so be it.

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Now Jason is blabbing Sam's business to Liz. RC is doing a good job at destroying this marriage.

On the plus side, with Liz finding out about the rape, I hope we get some scenes with her talking to Sam about it, considering she's been there. Sam doesnt have a female confidante (at least none thats being utilized). Liz interacting with her through the rape could be some good scenes

I dont get a s-t about this Memphis plot. They couldnt even bother to have Steve arrested on screen. Its a complete mess

GH just confirmed that Johnny and Connie had sex. Kate is out and looking like she got raped. This should be interesting.

Wow, they really are setting it up so that Johnny is murdered with plenty of suspects lining up. Anyone else think that the show is going to kill him off

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ICAM! It's one of the only things on this show that makes perfect sense under the circumstances.

Ooooh, Liv you shouldn't have done that. Actually, yes you should have since it could FINALLY be your death warrant. Come on Heather, you know you want to! thchipper.gif

Seriously, are we really supposed to care that Snarly finally got a tiny little taste of her own medicine? Well, I guess I do care a little because I have to admit that I was laughing at her pretty good. And now yet another Sonny & Carly scrump-fest? Ugh. th361971.gif

I'd love to see Sam have someone to confide in who actually understands what she's been through but I fear that Liz would only help make it all about Jason. As far as I'm concerned the destruction of this marriage is that best thing that could ever happen to Sam.

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