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Why Did Beth Ehlers' Stint on AMC Fizzle?

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He inherited that storyline. He didn't create it. ABC & JHC's plan was to write a "social issue" story concerning the war and it had already been laid out by the time he came aboard. Pratt's alleged boredom with the story is simply because he was writing a story he was told to write. Not a story he wanted to write.

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*shock* You mean Pratt didn't create and write a social issue storyline involving a real vet on his own? :P

I actually thought she started to have some potential near the end when they paired her with Tad. But by then the writing was on the wall and wasn't her exit her out of character getting mad at Tad, going to the washroom at ConFusion and never returning?

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As for Luner (who I think largely won over fans in the end even if many of us had a hard time ever thinking of her as the same Liza--she sure did her best with some shaky material)--I am with the pack who NEVER heard rumours of her being Skye (would they recast Skye anyway while Skye was coming and going on GH?) and it was only after she appeared on screen as Liza that fans started suggesting she would have fit better as Skye... But I'm not privvy to behind the scenes stuff.

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While I'm not a big RPG fan and sometimes he was unbearable, I still liked him an awful lot more than Lowry as Jake. He actually is a LOT more like "Joey" from the early 90s in terms of how the role was written and played, so I disagree that he was a Martin in name only. But I didn't really like him until Broderick';s last stint where he was toned down and seemed to be one of the more saner characters on a soap (ie not going crazy and trying to kill his wife when she has a cancer scare caused by sleeping with another man...)

Honestly I'm not sure she should have even talked out about being paired with a novice actor. Soap actors have to do it EVERY DAY. There are so many actors (many who come off even worse than Brott did early on) who vets have towork with constantly.

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So he created his own storylines where he proceeded to butcher AMC beyond the point of recognition. Yay! ph34r.png

I only have the 90's impression of the Martins and it's so blatantly obvious that RPG didn't fit that mold in anyway and he never did. It was oddball comedy hour whenever MEK and him had to bring out the "brotherly" chemistry between the two of them and RPG never fit in as a brother to Tad adoptive or otherwise, nor did he ever seem like the son of Joe and Ruth. He was passable as a doctor, which is probably why so many of his scenes were filmed at PV Hospital.

I hated the fact that Jake couldn't get mad at Amanda for sleeping with another man because she had the big C. The fact that there were no ramifications to that storyline never made any sense to me. I don't know what man wouldn't be angry, hurt, upset or have some kind of reaction to the fact that his wife cheated on him. blink.png

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i never enjoyed taylor! it all reeked of "hey, we stole one of GL's biggest stars make it happen writers" simply put. the character failed, ehlers performance failed, ehler's true colors showed when she wasn't given what she may have thought was promised and she came off as a horriable snob and she was put to the pastures! yes, she was used and yes she had every right to make a career move regarding GL and her future but she thought she was a bigger name than she was but you cant do that when it comes to your job! she pissed off several people and i dont care how many interviews she gives about her children "not being houseplants you can just pick up and move across the country" she was fired point blank. she knew it we knew it AMC had no desire to take her character with them when they moved production to L.A. and she was mad, point blank! and again this is coming from one of GL'S AND EHLERS biggest fans ever!!

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I am pretty neutral on Ehlers since I have not seen a ton of stuff she did on GL prior to her being on AMC. I have no problem with her leaving GL or being enthusiatic about AMC. People leave jobs all of the time and you're supposed to be excited about your new job. That being said, AMC should not have put her with RPG at the beginning at all. It was too soon after Gus/Harley to have them be "Gus and Harley on AMC." Perhaps after 6 months or something it would be fine to put them together, but not right off the bat.

For someone who has the experience she does, I was surprised her hear her stuff about JR. She could use some PR training. I don't think it was personal though(she seemed to like him personally), but the result of being frustrated by not knowing if she was going to be called into work again(I think I recall she had not shot anything in 6 or 7 weeks at that point). Also, AMC tended to have 2 or maybe 3 characters be only in each other's orbit day after day. I recall Annie and Aiden being just with each other day after day. That can get boring even if your acting partner is David Canary.

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