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The Madonna Thread


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With Kevin Costner back in the news today, and mentioning "that white singer," here's the infamous "neat" clip from the Truth or Dare documentay. She starts on her "Rude Beeyatch: The Celebrity Edition" conniption around the 11 minute mark:


An apology followed about 15 years later. Costner in 2007:

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Any discrepencies aside, is there any particular reason the British media is so venomous towards her OR is that just the British sense of humor? Still mad about her former fake British accent? (Shouldn't Americans be mad about that? lol) They act as if the 114 million watching the Super Bowl were watching it in Britain. That's despite the fact that I don't think anybody in Britain would be caught dead watching football over soccer.

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The UK media has always had a love/hate relationship with her (mostly hate) over the years. Things seemed to quiet down a bit when she settled down with Guy and moved to London.

Then when they divorced and she moved back to NYC full-time, and her love affair with the UK seemed to have stalled, they turned on her again.

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So new single Girls Gone Wild is much more what I want from Madonna, even if it sounds a lot like Get Together from Confessions--and the remix of Celebration that was released to radio--no shock as it's also produced by Benny Benassi. TeamMadonna seems to be doing damage control, claiming THIS is the first single, and the previous single was just a promo single...

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Not loving either single released so far. Nothing memorable so far.

A review from the UK from a magazine that got their hands on the album: http://www.attitude....VER+MDNA+REVIEW

Late-night You-tubeing again. I had never seen the Pepsi commerical before for obvious reasons (detailed write-up on the controversy: http://eightiesclub....d.com/id135.htm). I hadn't seen Whitney's Coke one either. I'd seen Michael Jackson's Pepsi ones.


The original:


Love the music in the remix (posted by the Pepsi company on YouTube, ironically):

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I love Coca-Cola taste waste over Pepsi, but Pepsi definitely puts more effort into their commercials.

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You never know. Sometimes love makes you really stupid. Well, she does have at least 100 million good reasons not to forget one the next time (if there is a next time).

Thanks for the heads up on biased critics. So, I'll definitely wait to hear what Billboard, Entertainment Weekly and the Daily News says before I get my hopes up for at least a couple of good songs on the album. GGW, single No. 2, sounds like something a music company could have gotten out of a drunk and high B. Spears after connecting her to a few machines.

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I have to admit I really like GGW despite myself, but it is VERY much Benny Benassi by the numbers, and anyone could be singing it--I expect and want more from Madonna. It does sound, again from that review solely, that there will be at least a few more interesting tracks on the album though.

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The Saturday Night Live Edition...

1986: An apology of sorts...


1991: Madonna Justifies Her Love to Wayne and Garth....


Link to a clearer version of the same clip: http://www.dailymoti...0-featuring_fun

1992: The Mike Myers & Dana Carvey years of SNL, sigh. This is a great clip - Mike, Madonna, Roseanne and a surprise appearance by Barbara Streisand. This one is a link. I have no idea how to embed from Hulu: http://www.hulu.com/stand_alone/1e955a55038a0f4028dee01826d18cac?lcname=ESEABidkZWZhdWx0Q2FwdGlvblN0eWxlBgMxBi1pc1RyYWlsZXJTZWxlY3RvclZpZGVvAgYXcG9wb3V0U3RhcnQEAAYhc2l0ZUxvY2F0aW9uUGF0aAEGFWluUGxheWxpc3QCBh1kZWZhdWx0UXVhbGl0eQQBBh9kZWZhdWx0TGFuZ3VhZ2UGCW5vbmUGIWFkU2VsZWN0b3JPcHRpb24BBhVwb3BvdXRUaW1lBUJzXnFmQZAABjl2aWRlb1RyYWlsZXJTZWxlY3RvckFkVW5pdElkBP////8GI3BsYXlsaXN0QWRVbml0SWRzCQMBBIXGEQYTY29udGVudElEBIGXmF0GFWN1cnJlbnRQb2QEAAYtc2VsZWN0b3JWaWRlb0NvbXBsZXRlZAIGEWF1dG9wbGF5AwYXY3VycmVudFNsb3QEAA==&continuous_play_mode=4&continuous_play=on&continuous_play_sort=#in-playlist

1993: Madonna has a special invitation for a member of the Clinton family...


2010: The Live Clip AND The Rehearsal Clip of Lady Gaga and Madonna...

Madonna: What the hell is a disco stick?

Lada Gaga: I think you know.



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