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AMC and OLTL Canceled! Part 2!

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Not yet, but I would assume that ABC will continue with its typical Christmas/New Year's repeat schedule this year....with an encore for Christmas and New Year's Eves (Dec. 23 and 30 this year since they both fall on Saturdays) and pre-emptions on Dec. 26 and Jan. 2 (since the holiday fall on Sundays)....although I am not 100% on that.

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Well, maybe I am. I'm just tired of pretending this industry and genre can be saved when they clearly can't (not even online).

Truth is, storytelling, in and of itself, is giving way to so-called reality, where all one has to do is turn a camera on him- or herself, film themselves doing both anything and nothing in particular, and then upload it for virtually all of civilization to see.

No one wants to be entertained (in the classic sense that that's what stories do) anymore. People just want to watch each other "do stuff"; and if not for the fact that I believe suicide to be a sin -- something I learned from reading the Bible, perhaps the "greatest story ever told" -- I'd check out of what Mark Twain once called "the damned human race."

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I think that was true for some of the last decade but generally I think the panel shows, reality shows, talk shows, etc. are on the wane. Look at how little reality or game or talk stuff is in primetime. It's just daytime that is gutting everything, for monetary reasons, because daytime is seen by the networks as a gutter anyway.

Most likely with Internet censorship on the rise, the Youtube/Facebook/etc. era will also wind down.

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I think you just contradicted yourself. People do want to be entertained, and they are being entertained. Regardless of what you think about modern entertainment, it's still doing its job -- entertaining the masses. If it wasn't working, then they wouldn't produce it anymore (for example, soaps).

I hope you're joking.

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IOW, daytime TV is about 5-10 years behind the times.

God, I hope so. In a way, I just want the next technological wave to happen, so that the Internet will go the way of radio and, now, network television. It's just not a generational thing when I say the 'net has ruined modern culture. It truly has.

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Of course I am. Would I really kill myself because soaps are dying and no one values good storytelling anymore? That's like blaming Oprah for not picking up AMC and OLTL.

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I tend to blame the whole Lorena/Menendez/OJ era. I don't blame them for killing soaps, I blame them for turning ugly personal stories into huge national melodrama. It's become so incredibly morbid, with the media desperately feeding on the corpses of the latest victims of kidnapping and murder.

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They've tried this a few times in primetime (ABC had a glut of reality shows in the few years after American Idol hit big; NBC junked their 10 PM lineup for Leno) and it hasn't worked. Ultimately if ratings keep falling they may decide to try again, or just stop showing new programs altogether. NBC and CW are probably close to that point...

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Austin Peck can be yours by the hour!

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Scotty I'll miss your articles & whatnot sad.png

KDP how I adore thee wub.png

I like Agnes, but this makes me rolleyes.gif She did NOT have to end the show that way, she CHOSE too. I agree that life can continue on, it's what she did in some aspects. Let it end with viewers seeing that the character's lived on. Then they could have picked up the show a year or two ahead if needs be.

For the record I liked the finale, I didn't mind the ending, I am just more peeved on behalf of those who didn't have a clue that PP was trying to put these shows online. Those are the people I feel bad for that got robbed of a proper ending, same with OLTL fans

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