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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of October

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Chloe singing to Kevin was so cheesy cringy. And who is Kevin to chastize Billy for not coming clean? Pot meet kettle. I don't think Billy did nothing but get drunk, Victor set him up on something. And I wish they'd get to what that something is cuz this story is beyond tedious. Same goes for Ronan and his secret holding ass. Poor Heather thought she could get Chance back, She should've had them knockers out, might've had a Chance then.laugh.png

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I'm just sorry that they saddled her with Mushmouth for a son. I will never believe he is her son. Hell I can only accept boring Chance as her son because Phillip was so dull. Unless Nina got down with Rain Man I don't see where she would have any ties to Phyllis' new sperm donor.

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I don't mind Chance as her son because Driscoll (terrible writing aside) is a good actor.

Branson though is just a complete flop.

There's nothing sympathetic about him as an actor which makes the bad writing worse.

It just makes me sad to see an actress of Tricia's talent given nothing to do but worry.

But given the writing for the female characters Y&R does use heavily (Katherine, Sharon, Victoria, Ashley) it's probably a good thing Nina's backburnered.

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Driscoll is good when he has the chance but it's never worked on Y&R, mostly because Sheffer will not write for that type of character.

They've invested a lot in Branson, throwing him at two of their at the time prize ponies (Riegel and Hendrickson). They are now aiming even higher with their favorite leading lady, Stafford. And the "snark" with Adam, which is Sheffer's wet dream, and which seemed to get a positive response.

I don't understand why they ever did the story about him being Nina's son. I guess they wanted a story about tough guy Ronan being superior to his pathetic mama's boy brother, but that lasted about five minutes. They even gave themselves an out by saying Ronan conned Nina and wasn't her son. Why go back on that when they clearly are only interested in writing for Ronan if that means having zero story or scenes with Nina?

At least people have stopped going around saying that MAB loves the Chancellor family.

I'm perpetually terrified about what they will do to Nina or Traci, so maybe this is for the best.

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However Driscoll was fine until they had him cheat with Reigel's Heather.

After that he lost most viewer sympathy & became a glorified extra.

As you said though that's because he's Hogan's idea of a "hero".

For the same reason they made Chloe/Kate, Darius/Malcolm & Maura/Diane.

Maria & Hogan don't want to make any effort in creating anything original so they shove their pet actors into established parts no matter how wrongly miscast they are.

Remember how everyone INSISTED Chloe HAD to be related to a core family to remain viable?


They pretty much HAD to given the majority of the family is MIA & the only one Maria/Hogan ever really writes for is Katherine (which is a disaster in itself).


Better they sit on the backburner than be totally destroyed like the female characters Maria/Hogan do use.

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It seems like he had a bad time from the start, since the only story for him was a pairing with Chloe. They didn't care about his relationships with Phillip or with Nina, it was all Chloe. I think that a lot of fans went off him when that pairing failed, even though Hendrickson has tanked every single relationship she's had on a show. Sheffer never had any use for him, especially when the Billy/Chance measuring contest went nowhere. So he was screwed from the start. I never even knew why they brought him on. I did like Driscoll on GL so it was kind of sad to see him panned because he didn't screw up his face 24/7 like Muhney or Chompers.

Are there any casting decisions from Sheffer/MAB/Hamner that actually worked?

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