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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of October

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So may things about yesterday's episode utterly depressed me:

-Tricia Cast and Doug Davidson are SO good (Nina's face when she discovered that Chance and Ronan might have one tiny thing in common!) and i would so much rather watch them than Y&R's current pets. But they are clearly not considered interesting enough by the brass to warrant any story.

-Ditto Driscoll. His Chance reminds me so much of Ryan Harrison on AW. And yet he's on recurring?!

-I think we are supposed to feel sorry for Ronan.... but I hate this nasty troll who would rather [!@#$%^&*] the local ho on her desk o' love than spend an hour getting to know his birth mother and half-brother.

-Phyllis - sigh. Trying too hard to be irresistable and sexy. It's not making me hate her any less.

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Despite what they try to do to Chance, I love him. And I think a lot of that is Driscoll and just how appealing, charming, and yes vulerable he comes across on screen. He's one of the few male characters on soaps today that to me is kind of a throwback to the traditional hero mold. Flawed and human yet still rootable. He just melds so well with Tricia Cast and Doug Davidson. He's about the only character I want to see in a romance on that show but then they don't write romance and none of their younger ladies are all that appealing. I actually like Marcy Rylan a lot She might be the only one I could enjoy him with but it won't ever happen on this show. I don't know what it is about Branson, I just don't like him and haven' liked him in any role he's played. To each his own he just doesn't appeal to me as an actor.

The whole arc with Ronan and Phyllis is just so dusgusting. Yet I am sure there are people out there who find them hot

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He & Bryton are the only two younger male actors worth Y&R's time since JT left.

Billy is a drunken scenery chewer

Adam is almost irredeemable

Nick is ridiculous

Nate is a glorified extra

Noah is MIA

Ronan is terrible

Ricky is insane

Kyle is permanently 10

Daniel is completely useless

Kevin is a pedo

Cane is Cane

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I hated the whole Chance cheats on Chloe thing because there were trying to get Bianca and Maggie Chloe and Heather to start a rivalry, which fizzled out quickly.

Heroes can't be flawed and human yet still rootable because the audience doesn't want them. People bitched that Chance was dull and when he made a mistake they bitched that he was a hypocrite. His one mistake was the same as the many mistakes Billy has made (since Miller's been in the role), but he was worse because he didn't "own it" like Billy supposedly did.

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I really don't believe there are any Phyllis/Ronan fans. The silence from sites like DC, which vocally supported Bacteria (the last "please this has to happen, we are desperate" couple created by the show), has been deafening.

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DC folks aren't feeling much these days but I've seen a few Phonan fans. Skanky table sex does it for some people. I'm sick of it myself and especially involving Phyllis. She is overexposed in every way. As for Ronan, he's a lousy detective and son and now just a boy toy for Phyllis.

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Y&R was always the show that had no fanbases and did not cater to them. Now they have fanbases but they are so incompetent they can't please any of them. It takes a special talent to torch so many relationships in such a short time. I always wonder if it was deliberate or accidental. It's left so many characters stranded.

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Fans yes fanbases not really and I do think there is a difference. Fans of a pairing like them but are not adverse to seeing them in other potentially interesting situations or relationships. Fanbases are so OTT with their couple fixations, they fight to not allow their "couple" to break up ever or be apart or ever move on. In the end it stifles the characters. And fanbases do absolutely nothing to help ratings, draw in new viewers for the most part.

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Y&R fanbases are more flexible than DOOL/GH "True Love" fanbases.

Victor/Nikki, Victor/Ashley & Victor/Hope all had separate fanbases that didn't need "True Love" to justify their existance.

It's only been since Jack Smith (and especially LML) that "True Love" fanbases really started being catered to on Y&R.

For instance that's why a lot of Michael/Lauren fans feel unjustly "betrayed" now that the non-Kevin Baldwin Fishers are no longer eating the show.

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