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People in the Soap Industry You Feel Sorry For

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Soaps have historically gone through characters like tissue. I question what a canvus of vets can get you in demos aside from cancellation. Many of us may enjoy these characters, but the average viewer isn't interested in a 64 year olds sex life. Lucci was young once, made ratings climb, but I'd love seeing some new talent on all shows.

As I've said, soaps should get the ax after 20 years

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Bingo its not the vet use IMO. GH is a perfect example. Why the hell are CArly. Sonny and Jason still the center of the show 15 years later and its not like they are long term characters who's airtime was balanced with other leads in the past(Luke, Laura in the 90's well Alan, Monica, Ned, Lois, Felica, Brenda and the list goes on all shared equal screentime and story) where there are new and interesting stories for them. THese are characters they have told the same story for year after year 5 days a week while younger potential characters on that show have come and gone who could have certainly stepped in and transitioned into stories with them. Its the same thing with AMC and their airhogs. Its not that people hate Greenlee or Ryan or Zach its that these characters and only these characters have been non stop in FB stories for years while othr younger potential characters like Frankie Hubbard for example site around and wander the hospital. And it burns out story for these characters so people get sick of them. I think the shows at one time did a far better job of transitioning in new talent and melding them in with the old, using the vets to help solidify these new and upcoming characters and slowly transitioning the vets to a more supporting role as the younger cast members got more prominent roles. Now the vets are just tossed aside and the new characters shoved on screen 5 days a week.

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George Reinholt - once dynamic soap hunk who may or may not have been a holy terror at AW - and considering what some soap studs have gotten away with and kept their jobs. Not looking like a soap hunk when he came back for the 1989 AW cameo sealed his fate.

Maeve Kinkead - seeing Vanessa Chamberlain go from a savvy, witchy businesswoman to a pill addicted house frau, just so Pam Long's new characters can take center stage. Same with Jerry Ver Dorn for the period of 1984-1985.

Robert Colbert as Stuart Brooks Y&R 1983- the character just faded away as his daughters were all off the canvas. No goodbye, no Stu retired to Florida. You would never imagine that happening to MacDonald Carey's Tom Horton.

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