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OLTL: Discussion for the week of August 29

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Yep, watching right now and he's doing great. His best work since he joined. He's definetly starting to grow


This bitch :lol: Why is she referring to TSJTodd as Victor Lord Jr? It was one thing when the family and those involved in this case did but he has NOT been legally or formally reconized as that. To the world he is still Todd Manning. I hate how inconsistent this show can be

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LOL! I'm so with you on that Cheap. biggrin.png I haven't seen today's show yet but I know I'll agree.

What still bugs me about the scenes at the Manning house when Victor came clean to his kids and both Jack and Dani said they still loved him, Starr reluctantly says the same but she was the only one who Victor hugged like it was only her that mattered. She turned on him in my eyes and Jack and Dani never did.

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We are defiinetly on the same page...lol. I so agree on your assessment there. Starr's words were just that....words. She didnt mean it and she didnt live it. I hate how quick she was to stop calling him dad. Like she couldnt call both men that? Her crocodile tears mean nothing. LOL...love how Jack said his only siblings were Dani and Sam as that pretty much echoed where I was going with my banner

oh and Baz, shut up and go away. I hated when he went up to Dani and said "I didnt know your uncle very well" Im so glad she corrected him and said "He's my dad" I hate how quickly people not even connected to this situation are so dismissive of TSJTodd's role in these children's lives. Its very insensitive when they do

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TSJ was surprised that Starr still loved him. But I don't think she was the only one that mattered. He expected Jack's support but was very worried about Dani using this as an excuse to turn on him again. He was so happy when she stood by him.

My problem with Starr isn't her conflicted feelings. Those are fair to have and voice. It's her whitewashing of RH's Todd and insistence he never hurt her when in fact he did. He abandoned that child, he used that child to steal evidence, he let that child believe her baby bro AND nanny were dead. Starr is willfullly deluding herself about how horrible real daddy could be to her too. It's like she can't face reality.

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OK, I think I just figured out who the killer is. I think it is Echo. She has already shown that she is capable of murder. And she might think she owes it to Shane and Rex.

It may still be that the person who knocked Jack out is not the person who committed the killing. And the person who knocked Jack out may not be the one who took him to the hospital--it's possible that the killer took him to the hospital.

Besides, if you kill off a major player like TSJTodd, you better deliver on the whodunit. Kim Zimmer certainly has the juice and the gravitas to be the final killer of Trevor's Todd. (Personally, I've never liked Echo or Kim Zimmer in any of her roles, but she's certainly a big daytime star).

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