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IIRC someone (probably JFP) just had Skye and Alan, etc. insist she was 'still family' even after Guza pointedly had her de-Qed. They'd only known her like two years at that point, lol. She has been an 'adopted/honorary Quartermaine' ever since. It's nonsense, but because Guza didn't care about the Qs and RC had a contract it was easiest to keep them islanded together.

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Skye's arc and backstory were just bananas.  I don't even know who her actual father is.  Someone would have to tell me.  

Her throughline to me is being a drunk and that's not good, but it's the most consistent thing about her character lol.

I think the consensus is she worked best on GH because that's where she still tended to show up after she left acting.

Alan adopted her.  Like legally adopted a grown woman officially.

I am also pretty sure Guza de-Qed her to pair her with Ned for all of ten minutes lol

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I am still not over this plot point. And yes, the Ned thing too. When the thing is they would've been fine together if not for that (not that I really cared given the flimsy Q backstory).

No one knows, IIRC. Guza's response was a shrug emoji after he de-Qed her, lol.

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I'm actually good with that idea, found families are some of my favorite writing tropes but calling Monica her child's grandmother feels so bizarre. They never had that type of relationship, at least Edward and Alan were fatherly toward her. But I guess it's good for the future of the Quartermaine family.

A 45 year old adoptee. Lord.

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If nothing else, Skye can make a good troublemaker to come in and out or with her daughter, who does have fertile ties (the Alcazars, the Q relationship). With, say, Lila Rae it's not dissimilar to how they basically adopted Brenda. But I would not highlight Skye actually 'being' a Quartermaine ever again. I would have her go back to Chandler in the wake of Adam's death for semi-cynical reasons, always capitalizing on her latest 'family legacy.'

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I would have been fine with keeping Skye a Q too.  RC worked the best with members in the family even if it was stupid.  I also think it would have been fine if they kept Skye mostly in the Jax/Carly/Sonny orbit.  She hated Sonny, played off Carly well, and Jax/Skye were always weirdly unfinished post-Brenda.   Once they threw her at Luke I was out.  Lila Rae should come back though as a little trouble maker

Lol at Guza just leaving her parentage unfinished.   It was such a messy story from start to finish.  Rae didn't know if her child was male or female or even the right age range lol.  


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Oh, let me be clear: I would not be fine with Skye staying a Quartermaine lol. Darn can attest that I have been heated over it since 2001. I was over the moon when Guza undid it and I despised RC and JFP forcing the familiarity with the Quartermaines overnight. I don't mind her mixing it up with them as an independent character, though. What I would've been fine with was the pairing with Ned, but it amounted to nothing. BITD they would've fucked like minks and screwed everyone over at ELQ, but by the time they got together Ned and the Qs were C-list players.

The Luke thing was clearly Jill's last desperate Hail Mary to make Skye relevant on the show when they were casting about for a new story for Luke. It is obvious she said 'what about Skye?' and Guza (who had major control of the show) just shrugged and allowed it for a little bit. Until Tracy came back.

The Rae ABC crossover voyage where everyone from twentysomethings Sophia, Eve Lambert, Kelly, etc. to 40+ yo Max Holden were floated as her kid was among the most embarrassing things I've ever watched. Meanwhile, ABC fans were expected to follow aging Another World star Linda Dano from show to show. Come on. It was JFP's vanity.

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I seem to recall a rumor around the time that they had recast an undead/flashback? Althea Chandler for the storyline with some sort of major soap star - I don't remember exactly who, I think it's been bandied about on this forum before. I believe it was true bc I think it made the mags and there was a specific name mentioned, but I was not the one who knew about it back then. Obviously that was scuttled if true.

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Lol!  Whoops.  I thought you were okay with Skye being a Q.  I got used to it after a while, but if Skye were an independent character I would have liked her with BW's AJ.  I thought they had great chemistry and it would have been fun for AJ to get an upper hand and screw over Edward.

I actually thought TG suggested RC/Skye as his love interest though.  Or he especially enjoyed working with her or some nonsense.

I mean, there were four soaps.  At least pick one age range.  They were plenty of 40 year old characters to choose from.


Too easy.  Linda Dano would have only needed to go to one soap in that case.


Sonny finally found a character more slutty than himself lol.  

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