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So much would have been different had Lily lived for Sonny’s character. The Sonny that existed before that explosion would not have left her, even for Brenda I don’t think. Nor would he have been as self destructive, which means no Carly either.

It’s a classic for a reason. I would rank Lullaby higher than Amazing Grace simply for the fallout being so important for so many characters. But I agree those are the three best slow motion shootouts.

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Oooh a Sly mention in this episode.  He's still in PC as of May 12, 1995!  A lot of nice stuff not necessarily related to the shootout in this episode.  Watching Sonny/Brenda's push and pull on this topic still makes me cringe to this day knowing what's to come.

A pregnant Lily probably would have beat out Brenda for awhile.  In real life probably forever, but Sonny was always going to stray.  A Brenda/Sonny/Jax/Lily triangle could have played out for years, but with Lily being the true weak link here it was always the most effective thing to kill her off.  It made the mob stakes real and high for the first time.  Everything else preceding it was mostly low stakes, some injuries, some lies, some breakups, but this was life and death.  

I think I like Amazing Grace because of the way it was shot and the music and the big reveal.  The Lullaby Massacre did change so much in a lot of ways though, so there is an argument for it be #2.

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There was so much in the show that it seemed longer than an hour! Really dense, with images & imagery & sights & sounds & meaning & many many people, although maybe that's an illusion. Anyway, totally worth the time & I grabbed it so now I have it even if there's a YT purge! 

So competitive! I know who I would want on my team for Trivial Pursuit! 

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Agreed.  It is interesting to think about what would have changed if Lily lived.  There were often parallels on the show that made it clear to see Lily/Sonny and Brenda/Jax were actually more well suited for each other and had much more in common.  Both were much more stable relationships, but the heart wants what it wants I guess.  I think the overall tepid response of Lily as a character and Brenda's damn near fatal attraction actions during this time meant something had to go lol.  It made Lily a much more iconic character in the end but sometimes I wish the show explored Lily as a person a bit more.  She was just too nice and boring and such a contrast to Brenda's ridiculousness.

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I honestly think the show could have done more with Lily as a character.  The show got the arcs and the story right, but she was such a Stepford Wife with no chinks in her armor.  I am pretty sure the show was mostly always planning this exit as Lily's endgame, but Jax's popularity and ease into the triangle/quad probably just confirmed the decision.

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I don’t disagree, Lily was frigded to give Sonny and Brenda angst. She had little agency for herself as a character beyond her father, Miguel, Sonny and Brenda. Although I remember her being manipulative of the situation between Sonny and her father in order to land Sonny. She wasn’t as innocent as her legend after death. It also brought out the worst in Brenda at times.

So many iconic moments in that story. Sonny always leaving Brenda in the rain. I was so invested, and when that slow motion started I remember thinking are they going to kill Lily? Then boom.

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She was very manipulative going to her father to get Sonny to marry her.  And then got upset when Sonny still loved Brenda and was attached to her even when she full well knew he was in love with her before she married him lol.

I guess you could argue she was manipulative with Miguel about his son as well, but the character wasn't exactly portrayed to be in the wrong?  

And, yes, the legend of Lily's sainthood was well overplayed by everyone once she died.  She didn't even really have any friends.  Only Luke, Mike, Jason, and Robin on occasion tolerated her-and Mike and Robin would have preferred Brenda and Jason had no memory.

In the end it's quite tragic because in 1996 Sonny **might** have been worth it, but if she saw him now she would have realized he was not at all.

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I was going through the YT rabbit hole and I completely forgot that Sam and Patrick were not only a couple for over a year, but were engaged too


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I remember actually liking them but what a random pairing. She almost became a doctor's wife...lol

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