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August 1971:

Monday, August 2, 1971: Howie calls Brooke, who refuses to see him; she hangs up on him; Lee tells Brooke of Howie's visit.  Tom makes a pitch to Audrey to reunite, mentions that he thinks the baby looks like him.

Tuesday, August 3: Lucille promises Al they will be married in September.  Brooke tells Howie to mind his own business.  Jane urges Diana to tell Phil about the baby.  Steve returns, he tells Audrey her devotion to the Nelson baby isn't normal.

Wednesday, August 4: Brooke finds a depressed Lee, and slips into his bedroom to cheer him up.

Thursday, August 5: Peter reassures Diana by telling her that Jessie is still wearing his ring, indicating that she wishes to be his wife.  Lee suffers as a result of last night, while Brooke is euphoric; Lee apologizes to her, deflating her.

Friday, August 6: Lee tells Brooke she must move out.  Audrey gets a call that the baby is worse.

Monday, August 9: Tom saves Stevie's life; Audrey is terribly relieved and grateful; Steve tells Audrey he's felt left out since she and Tom shared such intense concern for Stevie.

Tuesday, August 10: Phil takes a step.  Lee shows Tom a note that Brooke left.

Wednesday, August 11: Lee asks Howie if he knows Brooke's whereabouts.  Steve thanks Tom for his concern of the Nelson baby.

Thursday, August 12: Brooke calls Diana secretly; Lee admits to Peter what happened between him and Brooke.  Mrs. Nelson tells Audrey she's figured our her secret: Dr. Baldwin is the baby's father.

Friday, August 13: Steve and Lucille agree that they are very worried about Audrey.  Diana tells Peter she is pregnant with Phil's baby; when Peter urges her to tell Phil, she refuses.

Monday, August 16: Steve and Peter learn Jessie will be back to work tomorrow; Peter urges Diana to tell the truth.  Jane and Howie argue about Brooke.

Tuesday, August 17: Jessie tells Steve she has decided to stick with Phil.  When Tom calls Mrs. Nelson to check on Stevie, she tells him what a good team she thinks he and Audrey make.

Wednesday, August 18: Tom shows Jane a letter Lee wrote, revealing he feels responsible for Brooke disappearing.  Jessie tells Peter of her decision to stick with Phil.

Thursday, August 19: Jane learns that Howie hasn't heard from Brooke; Tom questions Mrs. Nelson on what Audrey told her about the birth and death of their child.  Mary Briggs interviews with Steve and is hired as a new nurse on the seventh floor.

Friday, August 20: Jane tells Tom that Howie hasn't heard from Brooke.  Jessie tells Phil she will move him to her house and start taking care of him.

Monday, August 23: Mary starts work.  Diana tells Lucille and Jane that Brooke has been living with her.  Phil senses that Steve doesn't approve of Jessie and his decision.

Tuesday, August 24: Brooke returns to work; Steve tells Audrey he wants to find out all he can about Stevie's parents if they are to adopt him.

Wednesday, August 25: Mrs. Nelson tells Audrey that Tom questioned her a great deal about Stevie.  Brooke is at first annoyed at Howie's intrusion into her fling with Lee, then is grateful for his concern.

Thursday, August 26: Diana intends to tell Phil she is pregnant, but can't; she tells Peter she is going away to have the baby by herself.  Peter says goodbye to Jessie.

Friday, August 27: Peter, feeling Low, talks with Steve about Jessie's decision; Diana is thoroughly miserable as she watches Jessie take Phil out in a wheelchair; Peter offers to marry Diana to legitimize her baby.

Monday, August 30: Brooke tells Howie that he is her only friend; Mrs. Nelson infuriates Audrey by speculating on whether Steve or Tom is the father.

Tuesday, August 31: Phil and Jessie admit that what they have now isn't exactly a second honeymoon.  Diana and Peter decide to get married.  Scotty questions Lee on why Brooke left; Lee is relieved to learn from Tom that Brooke is all right.

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Glad to see Mary Briggs coming. I only found out about this character when reading old Daytime Newsletter from 1972-1973. She will have an affair with Lee and will drive Meg jealous (again) when she is back from the sanitarium. I think Mary had an husband, Wade from whom she was estranged. We'll see.

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@Paul RavenThanks for sharing!

September 1971:

Wednesday, September 1: Lee meets Mary, and they get stuck in the elevator; Lee lunches with Brooke, and suggests she come over to see Scotty.  Diana calls Phil at home to ask if he's happy.

Thursday, September 2: Audrey and Mrs. Nelson have a bitter discussion when Mrs. Nelson tells Audrey she will not lie, even if it means giving away her secret.  Peter and Diana plan to get married tomorrow.

Friday, September 3: Diana and Peter are wed in a quiet ceremony before a Justice of the Peace.  Al tells Lucille to trust him to pick a best man.

Monday, September 6: Audrey breaks a date with Steve, telling him she's helping Lucille with wedding plans; Lucille tells Steve she had hoped Audrey would help her today with the wedding plans.  Mary remembers meeting Lee in the elevator.

Tuesday, September 7: Jessie feels Diana's hostility when she remarks to Diana that she looks plumper; Peter suggests Diana wear her wedding ring.  Steve goes to see Stevie with Audrey, and he asks Mrs. Nelson for the name and address of the baby's mother.

Wednesday, September 8: Mrs. Nelson tells Audrey she wants to move to another apartment to escape the violence and vandalism in her neighborhood.  Diana admits to Brooke that she is pregnant and married to Peter.

Thursday, September 9: Lee confides in Mary about his guilt over what's happened with Meg.  Jessie sees Diana's ring and later tells Phil about it.

Friday, September 10: Audrey confesses to Mrs. Nelson that she plans to marry Steve and to adopt little Stevie; Mrs. Nelson says she might be persuaded.  Jane learns from Diana that she is married to Dr. Taylor and that he knows she is pregnant.  

Monday, September 13: Diana admits to Peter that she told Jessie she is married, but she couldn't tell her she was married to Peter; Jessie tells Phil that Diana said she is married and he scoffs.  

Tuesday, September 14: Lee invites Mary to a Thursday supper; Mrs. Nelson asks Audrey to buy her a gun; Steve tells Audrey they may not be able to adopt Stevie without the mother's permission.  Jane and Howie argue over Brooke, again.

Wednesday, September 15: Peter tells Jessie he married Diana.  Howie finds Brooke very low and cheers her.  Sharon volunteers Henry to be Al's best man.

Thursday, September 16: Audrey buys a gun at a pawn shop.  Phil and Diana quarrel, after he confronts her over being married to Peter.  Scotty resents that Lee is having Mary over for dinner, but Mary wears down his resistance by talking football.

Friday, September 17: Steve agrees to sing "O Promise Me" at Lucille's wedding; the wedding.

Monday, September 20: Mrs. Dawson urges Jane to fight for Howie; Brooke discourages Howie, resists getting too involved.  

Tuesday, September 21: Tom upsets Audrey by telling her that he is planning to take pictures of Mrs. Nelson's baby; Audrey gives Mrs. Nelson the gun.  Peter reiterates to Diana the importance of making people believe theirs is a real marriage.

Wednesday, September 22: Jessie admits she is baffled; Peter tells Steve there are good reasons for the marriage but can't reveal them; Lucille and Al are welcomed back from their honeymoon.

Thursday, September 23: Lee confides in Mary that Meg is talking about a divorce; Mrs. Nelson gives Audrey an ultimatum: give her $500 a month for the rest of her life or she'll reveal the secret.

Friday, September 24: Mrs. Nelson demands Audrey come to an agreement tonight; Lucille calls Steve, worried because she can't locate Audrey; Audrey returns to her apartment with the baby and a suitcase; she hides the gun in the water-tank of the toilet; Mrs. Nelson lies dead on her apartment floor.

Monday, September 27: Audrey, miserably rocking the baby, calls Personnel at GH in hopes of getting a nurse who will care for Stevie; Steve calls Audrey and senses how upset she is.  Jane confides in Tom her anxiety of where Howie is right now; Howie and Brooke have a fun time together.  

Tuesday, September 28: Phil tells Diana he feels he has done the sensible thing.  Audrey arranges to have Mrs. Sophie Bailey care for Stevie in her home; we see newspapers and milk bottles accumulating on Mrs. Nelson's doorstep.

Wednesday, September 29: After he can't perform, Jessie tries to console Phil; she privately wonders if he is no longer attracted to her.  Mrs. Nelson's apartment manager discovers her dead body.

Thursday, September 30: Mary and Lee have lunch, where Lee talks about AA.  Tom admits to Jane that he is bitter that Audrey and Steve plan to adopt Stevie; Lt. Joe Adams questions Mr. Mallory, the apartment manager, and learns that he has seen a blonde woman visiting Mrs. Nelson.

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I'm continuing my walkabout of the early 1990s and have landed in the final days of Gloria Monty's second round. It would appear that Monty had realized the errors of her way and started to make some decisions that were moving the show in a much stronger direction and setting the show up for Wendy Riche's arrival to a canvas that had more story potential than actual story. 

In the late December 1991 episodes I watched, a couple things stand out. The Quartermaine family is back in full force. Edward was brought back from the dead. Jason is home from boarding school. Monica and Alan are actual present and tied into the messy quadrangle between Tracey / Paul / Jenny / Ned. It is all quite appealing. A.J. is starting to drink. He has brought booze and strippers to his friend Chip's house only for Chip's parents to come and tell Monica and Alan that all of Port Charles thinks that A.J. is an entitled priveleged jerk and the product of Alan and Monica's dysfunctional marriage and poor parenting. It's a wild thing to see play out (and again after after A.J. manages to be charged with a D.U.I. 

I can see how A.J. is later a sidelined character. Monty brought on an aged A.J. in mid 1991 and didn't build a world for him. She inserted him into the slot of young male with James Morrison's Joey Moscini leaving. I wonder if they were planning on bringing in the younger Eckert, Ava, for A.J. Anyway, instead, they just went with Sheila / A.J. and brought on Eric Simpson, which is not a terrible choice, but certainly one that needed more work. At this point (December), A.J.'s been on nearly six months and only now are they starting to figure out the character's trajectory. He is the older, screw up brother of the golden boy Jason. This early A.J. / Jason dynamic is fascinating to me as A.J. becomes very protective of Jason in the early days of Sean Kanan. Hopkins is fine to me. He doesn't thrive in the big emotional stuff, but he bothers me less than Sean Kanan did in the material I saw him in.  Hopkins' A.J. suffers because his world is so small and fluid. I've seen maybe three weeks and each week there seems to be a new blonde that A.J. has taken out (I think the one he got into a car accident with might be Shannon Sturges, but the actress doesn't seem to be credited). I like all the character work, but it hasn't materialized into a big story yet. 

Also in December, Shell Danielson has assumed the role of Dominique, fresh from the mental hospital. Now the merry widow, Dominique swoops back into Port Charles and decides she is going to fight Whitney Kershaw's Charllie Ahearn, a psychiatric nurse (every outgoing EP loves to introduce a naughty nurse on their way out the door), for Mac, who has been on less than a year. The story gets a good chunk of time with some nice shades of gray writing with Charlie potentially gaslighting Dominique only for primetime actor Casey Sander (in the credits) to appear as a no named "Stalker" who attacks Dominique in her apartment after slashing women on the docks. Going into the New Year, this is set to be the big triangle, but then, the new year happens... 

In the meantime, the end of 1991 also brings minor movement in other plots. Bill and Julia reunite after spliting when Bill admitted he killed Harlan and the two fight over a loophole in Bill's contract. Ned seems to be gunning for some sort of corporate allignment in order to get control of ELQ. This is all complicated by Paul facing criminal charges for his involvement in the Cartel's plot to hurt the citizens of Port Charles. 

Overall, the show seems to be moving. It's not always super exciting but the parts are moving into place for something big to happen. The overload of new characters is slowly fading. Eddie Ryder is back as Slick Jones for the holidays and hangs around (it appears) until early Wendy Riche. Tracey has brought Nita Talbot's Delphina to the Q mansion to plan the nuptials of Jenny and Ned in early January. There's a sense that the show is more grounded than it has been in other sequences I have seen from earlier in the year. 

Something that I hadn't realized was that Linda Grover was added as headwriter alongside Norma Monty in early January (the first episode I noticed her credited was January 6). Grover's arrival coincides with several things we have discussed in the recent or not so recent past. Right after Grover arrives, Bobbie is sitting at General Hospital reading Joseph (possibly Joshua initially) Adkins book Violence Unleashed (or something along those lines). The initial conversation with Tony regards whether or not someone can be redeemed as does the conversation that follows with Tom Hardy when Bobbie asks him if its ok she correspond with Adkins. In a further scene, Bobbie states that the book reminds her of someone she use to know who she felt could have been saved but died. I am assuming she is referring to Roy DiLucca, but maybe it was somoene else. 

Also, in terms of new story, there is an extensive set of scenes outlining the inner workings of General Hospital with a staff meeting where Alan has assumed the role of assistant chief of staff and he reviews who the department heads are with a chart included. This feels like something that Grover would do. She speaks in her interviews for "The Doctors" about how she needed to know the floor plans and the map of Madison. Then, Tom runs the staff through a trauma training, which is also used as a romantic moment for the forgotten Sheila and Eric. This training comes in handy a couple episodes later when a plane crashes into the Port Charles mall. The plane crash brings David Langton to the scene as he was on the plane and we first meet him in surgery with Monica who has flashbacks of Charleson and Pomerantz playing younger versions of their characters as David is about to head off to war. 

There are already sloppy elements to the David story, which I want to like. Initially, David is a "John Doe" though he is a well-known humanitarian. Ok, I'm willing to ignore no one in the hospital realizing who he is, but Monica, even after David's surgery, doesn't reveal who David is, which seems incredibly dangeorus given the concerns the team had going into surgery without any medical history. Furthermore, there is no real concern (from what I can see) about the fact that Monica's state of mind was further complicated during surgery by the fact she arrives at GH for the trauma work and finds a drunken A.J. in cuffs being arrested for DUI. This might be addressed later. Finally, if David was well known, why didn't Monica ever go looking for him before? 

Other stories are given new, and often interesting elements. Angela Eckert returns to town for her daughter's engagement party after a trip to Italy where her cousin Alphonso has now employed her as a brand representative in the States and we meet a much more glamorous Mama Eckert. Angela goes toe to toe with Tracey, which is quite fun. This nouveau riche version of "the baker's wife" (as Tracey refers to her) is an interesting change in character that gives some more layers to the Eckert/Quartermaine dynamic. 

The Charlie Ahern element of the Dom/Mac situation is being downplayed. There was a brief attempt to delay Dom and Mac going to bed by focusing on Dominique's recovery from her marriage to the late Leopold and the sexual violence that Dominque endured as his wife. I thought this was a very smart move, but it played too briefly. A lot of the show presently (January 1992) is the reaction to a past event which I don't hate, but sometimes I find it doesn't necessarily move things forward. Dominque is now in New York dealing with the IRS and other financial matters related to the Taub estate where she and Mac have now met her stunning British neighbor, Sabrina (Holly Sutton). 

Bill and Julia's relationship is now being complicated by the memory of Harlan. Julia has (what I believe is) a newly created flashback of a time a man tried to attack her sexually and she killed him. Michael Cole returns for the flashback to play Harlan as he claims he was the one who killed the man. Julia misses having her father as a protector which leads to a forlorn moment when a Christmas present (a baby doll) arrives which was a tradition from when Julia would leave each year to go back to school. 

Scott is up for disbarment because of his involvement with Nancy Eckert in the Eckert custody case. Ned's bigger goal (to destroy the canneries in order to regain the ELQ stock held by the Eckert-Hornsby-Barrett contingent) is revealed. It all works. There are also just more scenes with the hospital staff and patients. 

I'm curious why Linda Grover didn't work out. She's there at the start of Wendy Riche, but gone before Norma Monty. Monty is still EP as of January 30, but it seems like by February 15 or so Riche has taken over. Grover is still listed alongside Monty in February, but is gone by the first week of March. Monty is solo for the first part of March and then no headwriter is credited from late March-April before Maralyn Thoma arrives. 

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@dc11786 thanks for that deep dive. Boy, there was a lot going on-so many characters and story threads. Too many,obviously. Makes it hard for the viewer to really invest.

I think that the expanded canvas of the 1 hr shows was another nail in the coffin as the shows lost focus. As a viewer you began to watch to see what was happening, rather than anticipate what would happen.

So there was less of an attachment and with everything else going on- VCRs, cable etc it was easier to move elsewhere.

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I think Shannon Sturges would have been well into her role as Molly on Days of Our Lives at this point. Was this character blonde or brunette? Coz Shannon was a brunette during her Days run.


Yeah sounds like she could have been referring to either Roy or DL Brock, but I don't think she would have been so intrigued if it was DL, so Roy makes sense.


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It's probably the strongest set of episodes I've seen since the January 1990 start, but I've only seen January-August 1990 completely and intermitten stints from November 1990-December 1991. You are right though. There are too many threads playing at once or too much story being burned through in one section. In some ways, the problem is its a reset. For example, I think the Ned-Jenny romance is a strong story thread. I'm not necessarily rooting for Jenny and Ned (or Jenny and Paul for that matter) but the looming business conflict between Ned and Bill Eckert, the (all too brief) attempt by Tracy to make a lady out of Jenny, the return of Anglela as Tracy's enemy, and Jenny's angst over being engaged to Ned while lusting after Paul is all enjoyable. It just needs to play out slower with people reacting more. One of the nice story crossovers is Paul, after saving Tracy from the Cartel, has said two things in the hospital: one not to let Tracy die and admitting his love for Jenny. This is heard by Monica, of all people, which gives her and Alan something to cluck over. Tracy badgering Monica for more info on what Paul said in surgery is delighful and it has the potential to explode. If that was played slowly, with Tracy wondering what was said while also trying to "tame" Jenny, leading to the engagement with Angela's return I think that could have played out for months instead over several episodes. 

Almost everything with Dom and Mac that plays out in a month could take about six, but anchoring the show's core triangle around three (relatively) new charactes was a mistake. Mac is the veteran having arrived in March, 1990. At least with Jenny and Ned, both actors may be new, but Ned has been around for a bit. I will say though, some of the Jenny/Ned conflict is basically a replay of Dawn/Ned, but at least the show isn't afraid to lean into that down the line with the David Langton stuff. 

One of the things I had been considering, which I didn't hate, was I wondering if there were so many story threads because of Monty's intention to reshape the show in the image of "EastEnders" and the Brit soaps. I'm realizing some of the more annoying elements can be connected to that (the introduction of the Eckert clan as well as the insistence that characters state their ethnicity over and over without it being meaningful or (in the case of Michael Lynch as Mexican Connor) inappropriate. 

Also, Monty's last month feels very sweeps like with the return of Holly, the plane crash, Dom and Mac's decision to sleep together, and A.J.'s DUI. I think one of the nicer things Wendy Riche does is slow the show down.

For some reason I was thinking Sturges was at "Days of our Lives" later than she was. A.J.'s date Marilyn was a blonde, but it probably wasn't Sturges as you pointed out she was a brunette and on DOOL

At first the Adkins connection sounded like Luke, but Luke isn't dead. Not really sure where this story was suppose to go as it definitely seems like it was something Linda Grover brought to the show. There are definite replays of some of her work on "The Doctors" as young nurse Sheila Cantillion has gotten a visit from her stepfather Peter Kaufman who's presence from her past is evoking the same sort of dread that sexual abuse survivor Missy Palmer seemed to endure on "The Doctors."


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Hi everyone!  We're closing in on the end of 1971.  I've set it as a goal to have through December posted by the end of this week!  Everyone have a happy and safe 4th of July!! 

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October 1971:

Friday, October 1, 1971: Phil apologizes to Jessie for his inadequacy; Peter and Diana have a happy conversation about being prospective parents.  Audrey gets terribly upset when Steve suggests they go together talk to Mrs. Nelson and find out whether her foster child has been taken by his mother; Tom bursts in with news that Mrs. Nelson has been murdered.

Monday, October 4: Lucille sees an article about the murder in the newspaper; Tom, Steve, and Audrey speculate; Tom talks to Lee about going to the police with the picture he has of Stevie; Audrey remembers hiding the gun.

Tuesday, October 5: The D.A. and Lt. Adams discuss the case.  Howie and Brooke are in an accident.  Jane admits to Tom that she feels rotten that she has been asking Howie to explain how he is spending his free time.

Wednesday, October 6: An injured Brooke is brought into the hospital for treatment; Howie feels guilty and argues with Jane.  Lt. Adams interviews Dr. Dunlap, who recommends that he talk to Tom and Audrey about Mrs. Nelson and the baby.

Thursday, October 7: Steve examines Phil and reports that Phil's impotence is from damage to the autonomic nervous system.  Jane is upset when Howie comes to see Brooke.

Friday, October 8: Tom cannot understand why Audrey is terrified when they learn that Lt. Adams is trying hard to locate Stevie.  Phil is bitter with Jessie about his physical situation.  Mary is puzzled by Lee's reaction upon learning Brooke is a patient.

Monday, October 11: Al tries to cheer a worried Lucille; Steve and Audrey talk about getting married next week, with Audrey making an effort to seem enthusiastic; Tom gives Lt. Adams a snapshot of Stevie.  

Tuesday, October 12: Jessie avoids Diana's questions about Phil's health; when Jessie suggests that they could adopt a baby, Phil walks out in frustration.  After a cool and remote Lee visits, Howie finds Brooke in tears.

Wednesday, October 13: Phil tells Diana that she is lucky not to have married him.  Lt. Adams gives the D.A. the picture of Stevie; they agree Audrey should be questioned.

Thursday, October 14: Lt. Adams realizes he struck a nerve after questioning Audrey about her relationship with Tom and the child they lost.  Jane admits to Howie how embarrassed she is that people on the seventh floor are noticing how much attention he is paying to Brooke.

Friday, October 15: Audrey tells Mrs. Bailey that she will be taking the baby home soon; Lt. Adams learns from Steve that he and Audrey were going to adopt Stevie after they married; Steve also mentions that Audrey was planning to see Mrs. Nelson on the day of the murder, but didn't because Mrs. Nelson said that Stevie's mother was coming to take him home; Audrey collapses when Steve relates his conversation with Lt. Adams.

Monday, October 18: Steve tells Lucille that he and Audrey won't be married this afternoon; Al irritates Lucille by implying that putting off weddings runs in her family; Lee gives Tom a copy of the final divorce papers; Lt. Adams barges into Audrey's hospital room, Steve insists he leave.  Phil learns after another exam that he is no better.

Tuesday, October 19: Jane is shocked and disturbed when Howie arrives to take Brooke home from the hospital.  Phil resents Diana's devotion to Peter, reminds her that she wanted a child.  She reminds him that he never did.  

Wednesday, October 20: Steve shows Audrey the afternoon paper which has Stevie's picture on the front page; Audrey begs Steve to let her out of the hospital; Steve agrees as long as she agrees to stay home and rest; Audrey steals the afternoon paper from Mrs. Bailey's apartment.

Thursday, October 21: Tom asks Diana if she is pregnant; she admits that she is; Mary notices Diana's weight and wonders.  Steve tells Audrey he thinks that Stevie's mother is the murderer; Audrey suggests they postpone the wedding until she is in better shape.  Lee asks Mary for dinner with him and Scotty, but she can't make it; Scotty bemoans their bachelorhood.

Friday, October 22: Howie brings Brooke lunch; she kisses him; Jane confides in Tom that she is jealous; we get the feeling that she and Tom are uniquely able to comfort each other.  Steve talks to Jessie about Phil's problem; Diana admits to Jane that Tom knows she is pregnant.  Jessie learns Diana is pregnant.

Monday, October 25: Jessie is in a state of shock, having learned that Diana is pregnant; Diana tells Peter that Jessie learned the truth; Jessie tells Phil, who reacts violently, sure that Peter can't be the father.

Tuesday, October 26: Mrs. Dawson and Jane are annoyed that Howie is late for dinner; Howie explains he took Brooke to get her cast off; they quarrel.  Audrey gets worked up when a newspaper article states that the police have followed 133 leads on Stevie to no avail. 

Wednesday, October 27: Lucille and Jessie add up some dates, and conclude that if Diana's baby arrives before the end of the year, then Peter cannot be the father; Jessie learns that the baby is due before Christmas.

Thursday, October 28: The D.A. is feeling pressure to solve the Nelson mystery.  Lucille tells Steve about Diana's pregnancy; Phil relates to Steve that he is very pessimistic about his chances of recovering from impotency.  

Friday, October 29: Lee admits to Jessie that he and Scotty miss Meg; Brooke is uncomfortable being seen with Howie, who reassures her.  Diana talks to Peter about how embarrassing it is now that everyone knows she is pregnant; when Jessie asks Peter if the baby is Phil's, Peter answers that the child is his from now on; Phil asks Diana when she is due, and realizes he is the father.  Audrey tells Steve that Lt. Adams insists on talking to her on Monday; Steve doesn't understand her reluctance.

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Continuing on with November 1971.

Monday, November 1, 1971: Mrs. Bailey scares Audrey by talking about the newspaper articles she has read on Mrs. Nelson; Audrey refuses to talk about her own baby when Lt. Adams interviews her.

Tuesday, November 2: Brooke tells Jane she needn't worry -- she and Howie are just friends.  Peter tries to reassure Diana who is upset because Phil knows he is the baby's father; Jessie and Phil make a vow that the baby won't make difference.

Wednesday, November 3: Lt. Adams makes an appointment to see Lucille.  Howie and Jane quarrel when he learns that Jane and Brooke spoke about him.  Lee admits to Mary his need for a woman around the house; he tells her he can only offer her friendship.  The D.A. pressures Lt. Adams and suggests he find out if any clues can be gained through a ticket for a world cruise that was found in Mrs. Nelson's apartment.

Thursday, November 4: Lucille is irritated by Lt. Adams' questions.  A desperate Audrey asks Lee for protection against the police, but he advises her to cooperate with them; Lt. Adams discovers that a young blonde woman made the deposit for the world cruise.

Friday, November 5: Phil, Peter, Jessie, and Diana have an awkward encounter; Peter tells Jessie that just because they are establishing separate lives, it doesn't mean that he is less concerned about her; Lee answers Jessie's question about whether a biological father has rights to a child after the woman has married someone else.  Lt. Adams questions Steve as to why Audrey was so insistent that the baby they adopt be Stevie.

Monday, November 8: Lt. Adams reports to the D.A. that an attractive blonde arranged for Mrs. Nelson's cruise; and that he has a hunch he knows who the woman is.  Jane confesses to Brook the intensity of her jealousy.

Tuesday, November 9: Tom gives Lt. Adams a photo of Audrey.  Jessie realizes that things for Phil are much worse now that he knows about the baby.  Brooke insists that she and Howie not see each other anymore.

Wednesday, November 10: Lee and Mary go driving; he cannot resist kissing her.  Audrey is terrified when Tom tells her he gave Adams the picture of her.  Howie accuses Jane of causing Brooke to break with him; he storms out of the apartment.

Thursday, November 11: The travel agent identifies Audrey from her photo as the woman who secured the cruise for Mrs. Nelson.  Peter talks with enthusiasm to Diana about the baby.  Jessie talks to Steve about Phil.  Howie comes home to pack and argues with his mother; Jane tells Tom about the fight and that Howie didn't come home.

Friday, November 12: Lt. Adams questions Audrey about the payment for Mrs. Nelson's cruise.  Phil reproaches Diana for not telling him she was pregnant.

Monday, November 15: Jane admits to Sharon that she can now sympathize with Meg's attitude toward Brooke; Jane tells Tom that Howie moved out; Brooke urges Howie to go back to Jane.  Audrey blows up at Tom; Audrey tells Steve that she was identified as the woman who paid for the cruise for Mrs. Nelson and that she thought she would care for Stevie while Mrs. Nelson was away; Steve is shocked that she didn't share the plan with him; the apartment manager refuses to positively identify Audrey as the blonde he saw entering Mrs. Nelson's apartment on the day of the murder.

Tuesday, November 16: Mrs. Dawson tries to convince Howie to come home.  Phil reveals his pent up anger over Peter's claim to his baby.  

Wednesday, November 17: Jessie tells Steve she may not be able to comfort Phil once the baby arrives; Jessie suggests to Phil that they should move away; Phil reacts violently against her suggestion.  Lee and Mary agree not to worry about the future.

Thursday, November 18: Scott tells Mary how much he misses Meg.  Tom explains to Audrey why he gave her photo to the police; Steve tries to encourage Audrey by telling her that the case is almost solved, and it only upsets her.

Friday, November 19: Phil accuses Peter of marrying Diana out of revenge.  Al has eaten too much while Lucille is away and his blood pressure has gone up.  Lt. Adams establishes the fact that in spite of Audrey's great eagerness to adopt Stevie she made no inquiries about the baby's mother from whom she would need consent for the adoption.

Monday, November 22: Audrey tells Steve that Lt. Adams is tormenting her; she says she wishes the police would drop the whole thing.  Brooke asks Jane if she would prefer for her to be transferred to another department.

Tuesday, November 23: Lucille returns proudly with the third vice-presidency of the nurses association.  Peter comforts Diana after she has a nightmare.  Mary tells Lee that she understands Scott's love for his mother and would not have it different.  Lt. Adams discovers from Lucille that she leant her money that she thought was to help the baby.  

Wednesday, November 24: Steve discovers Audrey upset about Lucille having talked to Lt. Adams; the D.A. and Adams review the case.

Thursday, November 25: Preempted.

Friday, November 26: Preempted.

Monday, November 29: Lt. Adams refuses to succumb to Steve's pleas that he lay off Audrey.  Peter tells Jessie that he did not tell her about Diana's pregnancy in accordance with Diana's own wishes; Phil rejects Steve's explanations of Peter's motivation in marrying Diana -- instead he is bitter and insists that Peter is a poor loser.

Tuesday, November 30: Tom reveals his deep feeling for Audrey and his resentment of the slow attitude of the police investigation; Lee insists that they are doing what seems sensible and that Tom must accept that Audrey is no longer his concern.  Jessie appeals to Peter's psychiatric expertise about what she can do to help Phil in his pain; he tells her that people have survived worse problems and that Phil is lucky...because he has her.

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