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Yes, the first half of 1995 has a lot of action!

Then the second half of 1995 has no exciting storylines left and we're left with dull storylines that go nowhere - Maggie's relationship with Dylan that just ends without Jessica finding out, Eric's flirtation with Taylor that just ends without Stephanie finding out, Taylor's stalker that just stops stalking her and I don't think we even find out who it was, Rick throwing tantrums that go nowhere, Sally stealing designs but changing her mind after Eric's fake proposal and then the whole thing is forgotten with no lasting consequences for anyone - just a whole bunch of anticlimaxes and no payoff.

Sheila singlehandedly saves the show by returning in late 1995 and breathing new life into it.

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@YRfan23 have you seen 1984/1985, 2/24 and 2/27/95? It has key Sheila scenes you will love.

Sheila finally tells Mike about her past with Lauren. They're good flashbacks to the farmhouse. And it's so funny, because Sheila admits committing heinous crimes like the baby switch and kidnapping Lauren, but she leaves out important facts that are less flattering to her 

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She describes her and Scott as being "so in love". But she forgets mentioning that she had to drug Scott to get him to impregnate her, and she doesn't tell Mike that Scott and Lauren were married! She makes Lauren sound like "the other woman" who got pregnant. 

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Haha yes I have seen those episodes!! definitely key moments as they lead into Sheila’s return to GC on Feb 28-March 2, 1995! 

That’s definitely very consistent of Sheila that she constantly spins her own details of all the events that led up to the farmhouse! Even in 2005 when she comes back she paints herself as the “victim” who was In love with Scott and Lauren was the “b*tch who stole her from him!  

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Hmm I see what you mean about 2/28/95 not being in the vault... but I swear to god I just watched it! 

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 based on this below recap I found from the old 90s soaps message boards. I'm away from home for work so can't check my downloaded files now. When I get home, if I find it, I'll reply back.


Lauren's Executive Office (in case you didn't know that's what kind of 
office it is, we are given several closeups on the nameplate throughout the 
show):  Lauren is busy clearing her desk in preparation for her trip to LA 
when Brad enters. After rehashing the fact that Lauren in on her way to LA 
and Forrester Creations, Brad wants to know her game plan. Now we rehash the 
James/Sheila stuff. Brad wonders if Lauren is actually planning on seeing 

Eric Forrester's Office (I don't know if it's an Executive Office or not 
since they did not let me see the nameplate. Perhaps the office is waiting 
to be promoted to Executive Office and didn't want to be compared to 
Lauren't Executive Office.): Sheila is on the phone playing power executive. 
She has a snit when she can't get her way with the person on the other end. 
The guy I think is Eric comes in and gives her several things to do for him, 
including booking a suite at the Four Seasons for Fenmore for tonight. 
Sheila quietly freaks. Eric is confused about why this should surprise her. 
Sheila thinks he could save Lauren a long plane flight by sending her a 
catalog. Eric says Lauren doesn't mind the flight and besides, they are good 
friends. He leaves. Sheila slams her notepad down and wonders what the h*!! 
Lauren is up to. 

Lauren's Executive Office: Brad is concerned about what Lauren will do if 
she has to socialize with Sheila and warns her to stay as far away from 
Sheila as possible. Lauren feels she can handle Sheila and besides, they 
have some unresolved business and it's time to put an end to that.  Lauren 
says Sheila put her through living h*!! and it's time for her to pay for 
what she did. Brad thinks that revenge could be dangerous but he can't 
change Lauren's mind. So he warns her to be careful. (Now, isn't Brad the 
one who didn't want Ashley to go on vacation with the harmless Blade and had 
to tag along to protect her? But he's going to let Lauren go off to 
rendevous with a homicidal maniac with only a stern warning? Nice boyfriend, 
real helpful guy.) 

Eric's Forrester's Incognito Office: Sheila is ranting to herself. She can't 
let Lauren come here. She has to stop her. Using Eric's address book, she 
calls the airlines to get a seat on the next flight to Genoa City. To show 
how very important this is, she agrees to accept a seat in the coach section 
as it is all that is left. It leaves in an hour. 

The Elevator and Hallway at Fenmore's: Sheila arrives on the elevator. (Gee, 
traveling coach is rough. There weren't even any seats in that thing.) She 
opens the Executive Office door without knocking and is distressed to see 
that Margaret, no uh, Marily, no that's not it, uh Marjorie, yes that's it 
Marjorie is still there. She knows that Marjorie will recognize her and not 
let her anywhere near Lauren. She places a call to Marjorie from the handy 
Just For Sheila pay phone outside the Executive Office and pretends to be 
from the recieving dock. Marjorie tries to blow her off but eventually 
Sheila convinces her she must go down to recieving to sign for a package 
from Paris (ou la la!)  

Lauren's Executive Office: Marjorie lets Lauren know where she is going. 
Lauren in sitting on a couch opening letters with a sharp letter opener when 
the phone rings. She crosses to her desk and puts down the opener. (No, no 
pick it back up! Can't you hear the music? AIEEEEE!)  

Hallway at Fenmore's: Sheila watches Marjorie leave and enters stealthily, 
trailed by loud, eerie music. 

Lauren's Executive Office: Lauren has seated herself in the chair behind her 
desk and is conveniently turned facing away from the door as Sheila, 
trailing her music and heavy breathing sound effects, enters. She 
immediately spots the sharp letter opener and makes a move for it just as 
Lauren is hanging up. Sheila doesn't get it although I don't see why, Lauren 
couldn't have stopped her. She just wimped out. Lauren says the Y&R line 
(Sunday School version): Sheila, what the H*!! are you doing here? Sheila 
couldn't wait to see her, they need to talk. Lauren reminds her that she is 
on her way to LA momentarily. In fact she has a dinner date with Sheila's 
husband tonight. Sheila is not thrilled. 


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This whole conversation reminded me of something!


Back in July, @ustonmi1982 generously came forward to offer some Sheila-centric Y&R episodes. They sent me the raw footage from the tapes to edit and date but that was during that time when both vaults were offline for a long while, and then I completely forgot about them. I'm uploading now.

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Here's a list of B&B that were on those tapes. I will post a list of the Y&R on that thread, which may be of interest since it's a lot of Sheila stuff. That will take longer as there was quite a bit of Y&R.


B&B 7/3/98 full (new in English!)
B&B 8/5/98 partial  (new in English!)
B&B 8/7/98 full (new in English!)
B&B 9/17/98 clip (new in English!)
B&B 12/31/98 (very short clip) 


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