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Good find! And I noticed that French page has 5591 so I checked the English version and that is also partial. WTF! Why would the B&B channel name them "Official Full Episodes" if they are clips ranging from 6-10 minutes? I knew there were episodes missing but I thought at least what was there was complete... but at least we have the missing pieces in French (didn't see 5591 on the English playlist either).

It was great. Brooke's character was already too fargone after she slept with Thorne. It made sense to go to the next level by having her screw Deacon. There were was no dignity to lose. Classic B&B soapy stuff.

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I agree. Brooke's character crossed a line when she went for Thorne. Until that point, you could (possibly) justify her actions by her being in love with Ridge (and temporarily rebounding to Eric and other men). Her consistency in her romantic love for Ridge over the years was the thing that kept the character together and made her human. It was possible (at least for me) to view her in a positive light.

But when she went after Thorne - the third Forrester man - so aggressively, and pretty much out of the blue, that really signaled a shift in her character (or maybe exposed certain traits of her character that had been less obvious, and possible to overlook, until that point). During that storyline, it became clear that her idea of "love" was really an obsession, and that it was completely selfish in nature. Brooke had held grudges and had many confrontations with her rivals in the past, but she was usually the underdog and I never before saw the kind of intentional and unwarranted cruelty she showed with Macy. In every other rivalry up until that point, it was at least a possible interpretation to see Brooke as the injured party (depending on your perspective). But with Macy (and in subsequent rivalries with Bridget and Katie), that interpretation was no longer possible - Brooke had clearly become the aggressor, hurting other women without provocation and without remorse.

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Found two episodes on YouTube from a 1995 Network TEN Australia broadcast. 

Episode 1995 - Lauren tells Eric about Sheila’s past. 

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Episode 1997 - Sheila & Lauren’s infamous Jacuzzi fight.
This is the best quality I have seen of this fight anywhere. 


Edited by boldbeautifulau
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To piggy back off this, there was an another clip of this scene uploaded years ago on YouTube that I can't seem to find anymore - but during the jacuzzi fight, there was an alternate cut that showed Lauren underwater going directly to breathe air from the jets while Sheila was trying to drown her. Would that cut have been shown on Episode 1998 or was it only available in select countries?

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I remember when the show toyed with pairing Brooke with Conner Davis.

It was interesting seeing him pursue her, compliment her, etc.  Her reaction was priceless because she had been pursuing Ridge and Eric...so she wasn't used to having someone pursue her.

Shame the show was insistent on keeping her stagnant 

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Lol! But, seriously, how "discreet" do we need to be about the Vault? I can't help but feel it's almost too good to be true, and wonder if it is truly safe or could get taken down like those old episodes on Youtube, so I am very hesitant to spread the link outside this forum. 

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I don't mind having the Vault shared - in fact, it opens up more opportunities for potential contributors! It's part of the reason why I had the idea of purchasing a OneDrive business account - to break down the cost barrier of accessing these episodes and making them more accessible to soap enthusiasts. Additionally, because OneDrive isn't primarily a video streaming/sharing platform like YouTube, it is much less likely to be flagged by the copyright police.

That being said, depending on the mode of communication, use your judgment. As long as there aren't potential powers that be that are lurking in Soap social media groups, sharing the link is completely fine. On the other hand, it might not be the best idea to directly provide the link on the B&B official YouTube channel in the comments - Casey Kasprzyk is very active on that account so really Gilson is just shooting themselves in the foot. But if you want to deter commenters from purchasing episodes from Gilson in a discreet manner, just do something along the lines of "I can provide access to the same episodes for free, unlike Gilson. PM me for details via (insert platform)".

Also, Gilson seems to be quick at deleting my comments LOL so don't directly reply under him.

Edited by ChickenNuggetz92
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