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AMC Friday, June 17, 2011

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Yeah, random how Scott was in the first scene of the show, and then never to be seen again today.

Loved how Kathy was on, and they showed Tad actually being a father to her for once. We rarely get scenes like this, and it was nice how they tied into Dixie's flashbacks. Dixie is still obviously hung up on finding Kathy.

WTF was up with JR flipping out on Marissa? That just shows you right there why he doesn't need to be in a relationship. What an ass. Also reminds me of why Marissa/JR just don't work as a couple. Marissa/Bianca is where it's at! Leave JR and Amanda to each other... I've always enjoyed their steamy romps - they define sex for me. NOT Jake, nor Cara.

I also enjoyed how David/Amanda had a few scenes together. While their history is a bit creepy/gross, it was nice to at least acknowledge there is history instead of having them separated like most of the past 1-2 years.

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That was a sorry cliffhanger. Not that sorry Friday cliffhangers isn't typical for AMC but that seemed even less inspired than usual.

Amanda: I'm going to spend a night in a hotel room to show Jake.

JR: That's great.

The End.

He's like 30 now? and is getting mad at a woman he's been on 2 dates with for not having sex with him right away?

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JR is a horny bastard and I don't doubt that he just wants to get laid but I agree with Marissa, JR is flipping out because he isn't in control and she is.

Speaking of JR, that extreme close up of Jacob Young's butt was very welcomed by this viewer. :D

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LOL don't feel pressured, maybe this tells us the show is better now. I can remember only reading the Friday thread not for what was going on with the show, but just to see the hos :)

You should do a Ho Retrospect before AMC goes off... lord know this show has had many over the past 41 years ;)

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Amanda was annoying as hell in this episode! I would think differently if something serious actually DID happen with Jake & Cara but that's not the case, so Amanda waltzing around like a scorned jealous bitch just irks me!! She's just dumb!!

I loved Cara & Jakes scenes while they were in isolation. I just love Cara always!

I'm ready for Erica to be free of that room already!! I want her back in PV, this is getting kinda old for me at least ;-(

I can't believe we were deprived of Kendall for 4 days straight! That is just criminal and I hope all those days (plus one) are made up for next week icon1.gif

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I'd take AMC over GH anyday! It's a shame ABC cancelled its two more traditional soaps and kept on the mob junk.

Totally agree with everything you said.

I think Lorraine & Agnes are concentrating more on long-term changes and keeping David & Donna's pathetic cliffhangers. The last time Lorraine was head writing, there were some great cliffhangers!

Well, it's not like Amanda was ever brilliant, but I couldn't disagree more that this makes her seem dumb. She knows Jake & Cara both lied to her, found his missing shirt button and heard them talking about keeping what happened between them a secret from her, so she has every reason to think they slept together.

I like Cara with Tad but sometimes she really annoys me.

I fixed the statement about Kendall for you. :D

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Just because Jake and Cara didn't have sex doesn't mean he's innocent. He's been lusting after Cara for months and he admits that he still has feelings for her, not to mention they are both lying to Amanda.

Chrishell Stause had some interesting comments in SOD/SOW regarding this issue and I completely agree with her.

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