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OLTL: Discussion for the week of June 13

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wendy+williams+i+can%2527t.gif with RH's zombie character's View Master memories. LOL!

What the hell is THAT?!

When TSJ's Todd was being executed five years ago, his life flashed before his eyes, and he had *live* recollections of things that had happened pre-face change…not slideshows.

TSJ is Todd; Howarth's character is a plant to cause chaos.

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I've loved seeing Roxy for the past few weeks; it reminds you how great she is.

I have so far, officially been zapped out of any emotional pull within these death stories - they are just too much. That, and they're rushed along quicker than a speeding bullet. I have yet to see Friday's show, so maybe I'll feel something with the Gigi story, even though I've never really been a fan.

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No, I think they would generally want me to think that Roger is back to reclaim the role of Todd, because that's just the most obvious assumption to make. Them showing slides when RH flashes back to old TnB memories, instead of actual video footage, seems like their covert way of trying to see if the more discriminating viewers are smart enough to ask questions, wonder why, and consider an alternate possibility to the obvious one…but if RH *is* back to play Todd, then there would be no need to play such games. Even if they wanted to draw out the mystery of "WHO is the TRUE Todd," while still having every intention of making it ultimately be Howarth, they could forsake all flashbacks and just have folks look at old pictures instead of envisioning them. What they're doing here is very unorthodox; I can't recall a time when an actor returned to a soap, and for nostalgia they used a series of slides in place of the video footage that exists. Something is up.

Then there's TSJ's blatant comments to the press about how he can't imagine RH being brought back to play any other character but Todd. Why would he do that? If RH is gonna be Todd, and he knew it, it would make more sense for him to be vague about what's gonna happen, instead of practically endorsing an obvious outcome. I recall when TSJ joined the cast, him giving an interview negating the rumor of Walker being Todd, where he listed 'practical' reasons why (different voice, height) it wouldn't be so. Then there was that bogus interview he gave during Todd's execution s/l when the show supposedly let him go, and how he said he was shocked because he assumed they were happy with the way he played Todd -- only for it to be announced that his contract had been renewed like a week later, in a great big "GOTCHA" to viewers (after everyone was worked into a frenzy about his alleged leaving.) Him endorsing the likelihood of Howarth being revealed to be Todd seems like another Valentini scheme he went along with to f**k with viewers minds, and throw everyone off course.

We'll see…but I'm not nearly as upset about Howarth's return as I was when it was announced. ;)

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