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That is without a doubt the best Erika Slezak interview I have ever read, maybe even the best period. Such great stories that usually family members are only privileged to hear. Thank you so much for sharing that. I must admit, I got a nice naughty laugh out of the turtle story. :lol: I remember the Saks in White Plains, it's been gone for a few years now. That Desdemona picture is beautiful.

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Thanks for reading it. I wasn't sure if all this had been shown before, in her Intimate Portrait or elsewhere, but I posted anyway as I'm not sure how often any magazine had so many pages of coverage - Afternoon TV had those wonderful profiles in the 70's that I've never seen anywhere else.

The photos of her in theater are beautiful. She seemed to have a lot of range.

The photo with the tigers is so bewildering - I can't imagine what type of PR stunt that was.

As kids, she and her siblings look a lot like Jackie Cooper.

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I remember that "sex" scene between Max and Blair in the hotel. I still say it was one of the hottest scenes on the show ever. They were just going at it all over the hotel room. and because Max was married and "sick" it made the scene so much hotter. I bet it's what sparked Kassie and James to get together.

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Sadly the first part of this has been muted.


I know Clint had been shot but I'm not sure exactly why he is wearing those dark glasses.

I still can't believe anyone would buy Cain as three people - it's just a man in silly facial hair/wigs and a bad accent.

It kind of cracks me up remembering Gottlieb's comment that when she arrived, Wanda and Viki dressed too much alike - I actually briefly thought Viki was Wanda in this clip.

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SOD Dec 89Max and Gabrielle spend the night locked in the costume room, just talking. But when Megan enters, she overreacts, insisting, "It's over, Max. I swear it this time. I can't stand the pain of loving you when I know you'll never be completely mine." Later, Prince Raymond charms Megan into being his US tour guide.


At the groundbreaking of Buchanan City, Megan and Raymond arrive. Megan confides in Viki that she and Max are finished. Suddenly, a vengeful Taggart blows up the saloon, trapping them inside. Clint manages to save Viki, but Megan's still trapped in the saloon. Having followed Megan to Arizona, Max shows up, and he and Raymond rush in to save Megan, but not before a beam falls, knocking Raymond unconscious. He's rushed to the hospital.

Megan assures a disappointed Max that they are finished. Although Raymond is hemorrhaging internally, the doctor has orders from the King of Mendorra — no blood transfusions. He's sending a private supply of blood. Megan doesn't consider herself an "unknown" donor and offers her 0-negative type blood. Later, when Klaus, the minister of state, arrives, he's appalled that Megan — a commoner — gave blood. The prince, however, is very grateful.

Meanwhile, Viki comforts Clint among the rubble of Buchanan City and begs him to return to Llanview. Pondering his decision, dint's attacked by Taggart, but is able to overpower him. He's close to killing Taggart, but Julia stops him. She convinces Clint to give Buchanan City another try and he tells Viki that he's not walking away from his dream. Refusing to stay with him, Viki angrily leaves.

Hidden Feelings

Brenda and Larry reset their wedding date to New Year's Day. Later, Brenda asks an ecstatic Michael to be Steven's godfather. But Michael's hopes are quickly dashed when he learns about Brenda and Larry's wedding.

Baby Stealers

When Cord suggests an in-depth interview of Lord Love the Children's Serena and Ambrose, they're wary. Renee and Asa enter, asking to adopt. Asa lays it on thick that he's more than willing to compensate the Wymans for young Sandy. But Ambrose smoothly insists that although Sandy is spoken for, he'll keep their application. Later, Ambrose tells Serena that the Buchanans were too eager. When Ambrose tells Tina he wants to make her his "special" assistant, she senses that he's coming on to her. Later, Tina breaks into Ambrose's personal files, but he catches her. Tina insists that she was trying to help Renee and Asa speed the adoption process. Meanwhile, Cord questions Jon on LLC, and Russell confides that he's heard that the Wymans have pressured young women to give up their babies for adoption, but refuses to reveal his source. Later, when Jon brings up the subject of the adoption of Audrey's child to her, she refuses to talk about it.

Cord and Tina sneak into the clinic to take Sandy, but she's gone. The Muellers picked her up sooner than expected. The next day, Tina holds off Ambrose's play for her with the promise that she can provide LLC with a newborn baby. She lies that her friend, Gabrielle, is pregnant.

Tina convinces a furious Gabrielle to play along and Ambrose is pleased that Gabrielle's willing to give her baby to LLC. Suddenly, she panics when a doctor enters to give her a pre-natal exam. Tina covers by insisting Gabrielle see her own doctor. Later, Tina explains to Dan the situation at LLC and implores him to forge medical records. Dan admits it seemed a big coincidence that LLC moved in as soon as Miriam was kicked out. He decides to help, and she later hands the records to Ambrose. Ambrose insists that Tina should be rewarded and unbuttons Tina's blouse, kissing her. When he swears to share all the secrets of LLC, Tina forces herself to respond. But suddenly, Serena and Cord storm in. Furious, Cord belts Ambrose. While Tina pleads with Cord, Ambrose begs Serena for forgiveness and she insists he fire Tina. They can't hold on to Gabrielle without Tina, Ambrose argues.

Max and Gabrielle share a close moment at Max's Place. He comes close to kissing her, but stops himself, explaining that he was using her to forget Megan.

Kiss And Tell

Roger pleads to Viki that he wants to be with her, to make her happy. She can't give up on Clint now, Viki says. But Roger pulls her into a kiss, and Viki responds. Later, Viki calls Clint, leaving a message on the answering machine, asking him to return home, but Julia erases the message. Later, Viki tells Megan, "I'm afraid his silence is a very clear message: he's turned his back on our marriage."

A Princely Problem

A dizzy Raymond insists he check out of the hospital and return to Mendorra where his father's fallen ill. While he and Megan drive to Klaus's hotel room, Raymond suddenly goes blind. They crash, but aren't injured. Worried that his father will find out, Raymond asks Megan to help trick Klaus. Their ruse works and Klaus returns to Mendorra.

Having Max's Baby

Ambrose admits to Gabrielle that he assumes Michael Grande is the father. He'll need his permission to proceed with the adoption. Gabrielle insists he's not the dad. Max Holden is. She convinces a reluctant Max to play along. Dan learns that Kelly's moved to LA. He's also hurt that Brenda asked Michael to be Steven's godfather, not him.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Thanks for posting that, Paul Raven.

I'm going to post some of the SOD summaries I have from the 70's and early 80's, as most of that time is unavailable or hasn't been shown. I'm sure a lot of this has already been posted in text form - I don't have all the recaps of this time so if anyone wants to put the gaps in with those other recaps, please do.

March, April, May 1976.









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