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I do, I don't have it right now but will post it when I can, although most likely someone else will get it first. I don't know if I have anything of them together, if that's what you mean.

They're interviews, not publicity photos, I don't have any of those, sadly.

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OK. I don't have any promo stuff but interviews or magazine shots that have scenes I will post when I find them. Brenda's one of my favorite "forgotten" characters (and OLTL had quite a few of those). It's too bad they didn't work her into the Gottlieb/Malone era, as I think she would have fit in well with Luna and the rest.

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I have just seen the 20 May 1980 OLTL episode, episode 3030, and it is really great!!!!!!!! I adore this era. I started to watch OLTL for first time two months later, with Sam and Mimi's birthday in August 1980...

But I have some questions...why don't Nat Polen ( Dr Jim Craig) and Lillian Hayman ( Sadie Gray) appear in the final credits??? Were they out of the soap in mid-1980???

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Some 1980 highlights

Maggie Ashley transformed herself into the spitting image of her sister Pat. After imprisoning Pat in a locked cellar, Maggie began posing as her own sister. Clint finally put the pieces together, and raced to Pat's house, where Maggie was just about to shoot her sister. He found Maggie dead and Pat standing over her with a revolver in her hand. Deeply traumatized, Pat broke up with Clint and found herself drawn to his younger brother Bo, who was in the midst of an affair with his father's mistress, Mimi. Dorian Lord was delighted by this turn of events. She set out to make Clint Buchanan fall in love with her, only to fail when he saw through her manipulative ways.

Richard Abbott returned to Llanview with his new wife Becky Lee, who had signed with Buchanan Enterprises recording label. Becky Lee was pregnant, but a miscarriage landed her marriage to Richard on the rocks.

Asa Buchanan finally blew into Llanview. He hired young Samantha Vernon to work for him. Sam, who was living with skater Mick Gordon, became instantly enchanted with her new lavish lifestyle. Asa was equally impressed by Samantha's youth and her body. So captivated by Asa, Sam did not see that her best friend, Tina Clayton, was seducing Mick! Sexpot Tina was also waging a campaign to attract Bo's protégé, country-western singer Johnny Drummond. When Samantha found out about Mick's affair with Tina, she threw him out.

In Paris to visit Pat, Bo was spotted by Pat's new friend, Nicole Bonard. Bo was her son! Nicole Bonard was actually Asa's wife, Olympia Buchanan. Many years earlier, when Bo and Clint were children, Olympia had an affair with ranch hand Yancy Ralston and became pregnant. During an argument, Olympia killed Yancy. When Asa found out, he had Olympia banished to Europe, telling his children that their mother had died. Asa saw a photo of Nicole and Pat in Paris and went into a state of shock! He feared Olympia could ruin his empire and destroy his relationship with his sons and Samantha. Nicole told Pat that "Bo is not a true Buchanan." But before Pat could find out what her cryptic comment meant, Nicole was gone! Asa had her flown to Llanview, where he imprisoned her. Asa hired his nephew, Rafe Garretson, to watch over her, telling the naive young man that Nicole was insane.

As Bo and Pat fell in love and got engaged, Asa did his darndest to break them up. Asa Buchanan hated strong, independent women like Pat Ashley so much that he forced his own mistress, Mimi King, to try and seduce Bo. She attempted unsuccessfully to lure him into bed. Bo and Asa's relationship grew more bitter and competitive, until Bo finally opted to leave the family fold and start his own company, Lone Star Records.

The only father that Tina had never known -- Ted Clayton -- arrived in Llanview intent on reconciling with his daughter. However, Ted was actually Tom Clarkson, a recently released inmate who was about to try and con Viki out of her fortune and Tina out of her inheritance. Ted pitted himself against Clint Buchanan, who had taken more than a professional interest in Viki. When Ted learned that Clint was about to propose marriage to Viki, he stepped up his plan by masterminding the kidnapping of Tina. His goal was not only to get his hands on the ransom, but to make himself indispensable to Viki. When Tina was safely returned home, Ted proposed marriage to Viki. Flustered, but touched by his request, Viki opted for time to consider the offer.

Karen Wolek grew nervous every time Katrina Karr visited Jenny and her baby girl, Mary. Jenny found herself drawn to Dr. Peter Janssen and they made plans to marry. But Peter needed a divorce from Melinda, whom Dorian had declared mentally incompetent. This troubling situation put a strain on Jenny and Peter's relationship.

When baby Mary became ill with a minor blood disease and needed a transfusion, Peter realized that Jenny could not be her mother. One look at the footprints and Peter saw that Mary Vernon was Katrina's baby, not Jenny's. Karen had switched babies! Tormented by his discovery, Peter promised Karen that he would not reveal the truth to Jenny.

When the stress of leading dual lives proved too much, Marco developed selective amnesia. To her horror, Karen Wolek witnessed cool and calm Mario turn into wild-eyed Marco -- and didn't turn back! Karen hid her Jeckyll/Hide pal in a sleazy motel, then had him committed to a sanitarium.

As the gap in his relationship with Karen widened once again, Larry turned to Ivan Kipling's estranged wife, Faith, for companionship. Karen, who still loved Larry with all her heart, grew jealous of his friendship with Faith. Faith's husband, Ivan, was a brilliant brain surgeon with a host of secrets. Among them was the fact that he was the natural father of Edwina Lewis, who despised him. Kipling shuddered when he saw Karen Wolek for the first time because she had been one of his hookers and could expose his perverted obsession for them.

Ivan set a trap for Karen, intending to kill her! In the ensuing struggle, Karen took a terrible tumble down a flight of stairs. Just as Ivan was about to finish her off, two vagrants entered the building, forcing him to flee. Karen was rushed to the hospital in a coma. Ivan, as chief neurosurgeon,was put in charge of her case! He called for immediate surgery, where he planned to kill her -- this time for sure! The moment arrived when Ivan decided to make "the fatal mistake" which would end Karen's life, but Kipling's pride and devotion to his profession prevented him from kill-ing her on the operating table.

In the aftermath, Ivan injected Karen with drugs to keep her silent for as long as possible. Reconciling with his wife Faith, Kipling coerced her into becoming his accomplice. When another attempt to kill Karen failed, the Kiplings escaped to South America.

Dorian tried to convince Edwina that Mario was an imposter on the morning of their wedding, but failed. Dorian did manage to get an indictment against Mario, and he was arrested just before the marriage took place. Edwina, in a state of shock, broke all ties with Marco, who went to jail. Larry knew enough to assume that Karen had to have aided and abetted Marco. Larry, caught between his love for Karen and his desire to accept this, asked Karen for time. The following day, a guilt-ridden Karen packed her bags and moved into Ina Hopkin's boarding house. Eventually, Marco and Edwina reconciled and married.

After her breakup with Clint, Dorian sank her claws into Llanview's ambitious District Attorney, Herb Callison. With Dorian's guidance and financial support, Herb won a close election for Governor in the fall. Dorian had obtained a huge illegal campaign contribution from Asa Buchanan in exchange for his winning a state highway contract from the new Governor. Unbeknownst to Dorian, Herb made a secret deal to award the same highway deal to a local mobster. News of these dishonest maneuvers began to leak to the press. At year's end, Dorian made final plans to become the First Lady of Pennsylvania -- just as whispers of "scandal" were heard in the inner circles of Llanview.

Edited by Paul Raven
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I love the red and blue contrast of the two ladies in that - wasn't Alex in white? It's just perfect.

I really like Robin's work in this clip, when she learned about Cassie's baby dying - it's a good example of how she once could be restrained even when playing such pain. I also like how Erika Slezak stays in the background, since it's not her scene. Would today's "stars", like JPL, do that?

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Oof, that scene where Andrew talks about the "hollow look" in his eyes, will he have that, gets to me.

and of course there's this moment:

Edited by CarlD2
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It's funny, but that made my eyes water in a way they didn't when I watched this back in high school. I think it was the Larry factor, and how a presence like his is missed, plus the Herb mention, Andrew getting so upset, and doctor Dorian knowing what Larry was about to reveal based on the medical terminology.

I will always love Dorian's Independence day, they were so striking in the blue and red, especially when you'd think the colors would typically be reversed. There's a great photo set of them in those dresses, one where Dorian's winking at the camera. And yes, Alex is in white.

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