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Can you pinpoint when in the early '90s? I'm always trying to hone in on classic AMC more, since I only started watching in '93. And the '80s has so many permutations that it confuses me as to when Agnes and her acolytes were in charge or weren't.

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This Wilma was always worth watching, even if I wished they'd allowed her to be less of a caricature. She was a good reminder of what Natalie had come from. Sometimes I wonder if Kate used her as inspiration for Janet. 

Brooke/Erica was the feud that lasted, but Erica/Natalie is the one that interests me most. I don't know when exactly it ended, as Natalie was sanitized later on.

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You couldn't pay me to go back and watch any episode of AMC after 1991.  Lorraine Broderick did the best she could with the show when she was HW, but, in retrospect, ABC's interference was stifling.

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You can junk a lot of the show after about 2002, frankly. There's good stuff off and on in the later years (including Angie and Jesse's return being worth it simply for the actors), but I sure wouldn't start there.

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I am into Strike 1988 material (I think I am - March 15, 1988) and so far finding it even more thrilling then the pre-strike episodes. We'll see if that is a... couple-of-episodes-kind-of-thing or if it will continue. Maybe I'm watching episodes that have been written pre-strike. 


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The only storyline I don't like is the AIDS one, even though I realize it must have been ground breaking and important at the time. It's dragging and making the mood way too grim. Of course it will be grim... There is nothing not grim about AIDS... But still... Dragging, slow... And I really don't like Stuart and Cindy. They have absolutely no chemistry and the whole thing is just... Forced and "here we are going to show you a lesson or two about AIDS". The narrative becomes too didactic at times. And I have nothing against didactic, but it's too much. 

I am even thinking of starting to skip their scenes or watching them in 1.5 speed. It's just one and the same now for 3 months. She's sick but you love each other, got it. Everyone who hates her is bad, got it. Stop pushing it down my throat every single episode. And the melodramatic music and love montages don't help. Just not my cup of tea.

Edited by Maxim
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