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OMG, my love for Terry Blake knows no bounds. I wonder if her marriage to country star Mike Maguire falling apart in 1998 had anything to do with her departure.

I love that she did not have any family, as she was introduced as a grifter. She manipulated her way into St. Dixie's purview, then turned around and slept with her husband. The fact that she would leave after catching AMC's next con, Ryan Lavery, in a scheme was well done. I agree, Gloria's roll-off was perfect. There was no great fan fair, just a series of perfectly timed events that made it clear her time in PV was over. I loved that as much as she loathed Dimitri at that point, for making her an accessory in the Maddie kidnapping, she still seemingly saved him by blackmailing Ryan into donating his blood to save him.

She floated between stories so well. She romanced, and had chemistry, with so many of AMC's leading men. From Adam, to Tad, to Dimitri, and even flirtation with Jackson. I think she filled a void that Natalie once filled, floating between stories seemlessly. I thought Babe under Alexa Havins had potential to fill that roll, but she kept on getting suckered back with JR.

I also love that Sydney Penny said that Terry Blake was the first woman to break rank from the "Mean Girls" clique (Eva, Kelly, SMG).

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And the hair... yes it was a monster, but it was so 90's. It was so different from what the other ladies on the show looked like (most of them chopped off their long locks in the 90's e.g., Donna, Natalie, Dixie, Julia, Maria etc.). It is funny she kept the look for as long as she did, because by 1998 that huge 80's teased style was definiatley not in anymore.

I loved her look when she married Adam on Fidelity (how ironic that he would name his yacht after the issue that broke their marriage apart


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I think she left in early 1998 (her last scenes), so the breakup may have had something to do with it. I'm sorry she never showed up anywhere else, but it might have been a case of artist and characters blending perfectly.

I thought Gloria had a unique spirit (aside from the time with Tad, which didn't do anything for me) and while I hadn't thought of it, you're right, she did blend into stories effortlessly. Even when she wasn't being used in a major role, she was a part of Michael's homophobia story, she was a part of Erica's pill addiction story.

As years have passed, soaps have only done community interaction when they have "events", but for many years soaps did the everyday, normal interaction which is so crucial to make you believe these are real people.

At the time I loved her scenes with Ryan, immediately busting him on his lies. And her goodbye with Stuart, who had probably been her truest friend, through everything, and had not really interacted with her in several years until that last scene. It's one of those soap exits I wish any headwriter would look at.

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It's nice to see all the Gloria love; I've always liked her.

It's sad that she was rarely mentioned after her departure. She played a key role in some major storylines.

It seems Miss Blake abandoned acting after leaving AMC. Does anyone know what she's up to nowadays?

Edited by Pine Charles
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There were a couple of years where I thought Teresa Black would get nominated for an Emmy. Specifically, for the Adam and Stuart triangle. I remember David Canary thanked her in his speech for "making an old man feel young again." It's too bad she fell off the face of the earth. I wonder what she is doing now.

Edited by Jonathan
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Watching the November 1994 episode...

How long was the Wildwind dining room around? I remember SOD praising that element of AMC in 1994, but for some reason I don't remember seeing that place by the time I started watching (summer/fall 1995).

If you just listen to Dimitri, and don't look at him, he sounds kind of like Obama.

I just realized how many stories in fall 1994 revolved around babies, or more specifically, dead babies - Gloria's, Maria's, Julia's pregnancy, Dixie sacrificing her chances of a healthy pregnancy. That's just too much at one time.

I never knew Hayley held Adam at gunpoint. Too bad that was never brought up later during the years when she and Mateo seemed to bash him with every other syllable.

She kept mentioning Skye...I really wish they hadn't made them rivals when Skye returned in 1996.

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I will +1 all the "Gloria" love. When she first came on, I thought she would just be a pawn in the "Who Killed Will?" storyline and disappear even faster than Craig did. In fact, she even began to annoy me a bit, due to her repetitious line, "And if you so much as whistle Dixie..." Clever the first few times; not so much after number 72. Her versatility may have had something to do with her longevity, and I do believe it was a perfect marriage of actor and character. When we began to see her vulnerability after "Who Killed Will?" and her genuine apology towards Dixie, that's when I began to see more potential in both the character and the actress. Her "little girl lost" vibe really worked for me. Then when she was paired with Stuart and Adam, well, I was sold, and I remember thinking at the time what a perfect match (albeit unforeseen by me) that truly was. Unfortunately for me, she departed during one of my donut holes, so I don't particularly remember her parting.

...and I will "always" remember her "tampon" commercial. tongue.png

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She was so haunting in that commercial. It reminded me of those teary snotty closeups of Farrah Fawett in those commercials for The Burning Bed. I never actually saw that TV movie. I'm not going to fake like Gloria was ever one of my favorite characters but TB is one of those truly unique daytime actors, a combination of looks, voice, demeanor, that no one else had. She could never be lumped with the vapid blondes, she carried with her a certain weight, like, "Damn, dis bitch done been through sumthin'..."

When she went nuts after Anna Claire died with Adam and the rice pudding, uh, that was tough to watch at times. But Anna Claire's funeral was SO sad, another memory of watching with my mom. They had that little baby casket and they played Eric Clapton's "Tears From Heaven". I'll never forget the way Erica wiped her tears away, this was only months after Mona died. She gave Gloria Mona's bible as comfort. She then headed over to Dimitri's where they had one of their best scenes ever, a sweet sort of olive branching after months of drama and estrangement, and she gave us perhaps her sweetest and most affectionate, "Well I am Erica Kane biggrin.png" ever.

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Did anyone catch that bit in the Mona and Erica (post Mona/Charles honeymoon) conversation where Erica tried to get Mona on her not being tan, and Mona somewhat awkwardly changed the subject? It's very cute. What a contrast to more recent soap years where parents and children endlessly go on about sex lives in a tacky manner.

I'd never seen Estelle either. How long before she died? I think the actress left for her theater career.

I wonder how long Erica kept trying to get Tom back.

Kind of sad seeing Donna go on about getting too old to have children, when she was only about 20 or so. You can see her perpetual drive towards a breakdown.

I thought Sean and Brooke were making out on the couch...oops. If you ever watched Julia Barr on RH, Linda Gibboney has the same voice.

I can see why they recast Tad, as they needed a fuller teen scene and he needed to be older than Jenny, but I like this actor, he seems natural and believable in a way many soap teens just aren't. Didn't the relationship with Suzanne send him into a downward spiral?

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