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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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I don't know if I believe that. Each show has a budget, meaning that money is allotted for the currently fiscal year. If their fiscal year begins on July 1st, then AMC is basically done shooting shortly after the new fiscal year begins. OLTL would be allotted whatever money is budgeted for the first half of that following fiscal year as well. I don't believe that sponsors pulling out now will make them end earlier, but it will hurt ABC as a whole, which is what Disney deserves.

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But where have these big companies been with ratings in total free fall for years now?

I keep reminding myself that I've tuned out of both AMC and OLTL several times over the last few years. I don't know if I want to save those shows.

But I do want ABC to suffer as much as possible once they're gone because it's their fault the shows have been in the sh!tter for so long. So yeah, ABC gets no love from me.

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Do you buy that GH is that safe?

Does ABC want soap fans to target companies that do not advertise during our soaps and lobby them to come onboard? If so, they needed to tell us that a long time ago versus spinning all was well. They could have gotten soap fans on their side if they mobilized us to help them preserve our shows instead. Such a campaign actually spearheaded by ABC would have saved them this PR nightmare.

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No offense, Errol, but none of this is exactly earth-shattering.

Now if you were to tell us AMC and/or OLTL was considering making a lateral move to Lifetime....

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Im sick reading how this was planned and how all these people were lied to.

My only question is if OLTL was suppose to be cancelled all along, why was it given more time than AMC? Was it due to the timeslot they wanted the shows in?

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I'm one of those rare soap fans who remembers when my shows were GOOFIER than today. I still remember throwing things at my TV during Eterna and feeling really embarassed by Rauch's campy writing at OLTL.

GH had some stinkers like Casey the Alien that made think this show as hit the dumper for good.

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Hmm, actually one of OLTL's best times was 1992-1994 under Linda Gottlieb and Michael Malone. Once Gottlieb left Malone got cheesey and wrote a lot of crap but together they were cutting edge and seriously good.

One of GH's best years in all my 35+ years watching was 1998. Rape Revisited was stellar storytelling and the acting and balance that year was top notch. Guza's darker soap at his very best. Alas, Riche left and he too went out of control.

Writers need firm GOOD visionary EPs. Frons took that away.

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