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The Wendy Williams Thread


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I'm done... it was a very, VERY frightening watch. I stayed up and did not sleep, so I was basically watching for 4-5 hours straight. I don't know if I will be able to sleep after this.  If it was up to me, I think this documentary needs to be banned and not a cent made on it to these SICK PRODUCERS that were filming her in this state... but it's probably too late for this. They are probably cashing out now.

Let me say... even the thought that it's possible for a black woman to be so PUBLICLY exploited and exposed in 2024... makes me lose my mind. They exposed her to bare bones. They metaphorically destroyed her and killed her with this documentary. All of this should have stayed behind closed doors and in a medical facility... To preserve this woman's dignity. I have never cried for a celebrity like I cried for her today. The moment she took of the wig... my heart actually skipped.

Some of most obvious enablers are the people working for her... that girl... I forgot her name... the publicist... that was denying that anything was wrong... and giving her alcohol and taking her to meetings in this state - needs to be in jail. 

The guy with the golden necklaces, Will, gave me such bad vibes... He was acting in front of the cameras how much he was taking care of her... but I also saw him act RUDE and disrespectful to her... waking her up in her STATE in front of cameras and TELLING HER TO GET HER ASS UP. I was disgusted.

I don't TRUST THE FAMILY too. I am sorry. I saw people acting... I saw a lot of fake tears. I am not saying everyone is bad... I loved her dad... but... I am not trusting the others... even the son. Even the son. 

The overall tone I got is people fighting for a very sick... basically dying woman...'s money. I saw VULTURES. I saw MANIACS. And a dying woman in need of help and NOT CAMERAS IN HER FACE, while she is naked or PASSED OUT.

And last.

Wendy, we love you and... you did not deserve this. I pray to God some judge or someone that can help her sees this AND DOES.


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P.S - Something way more disturbing is the fact that after re-searching this prognosis I see that the patients have 2 to 20 year survival rate, from symptom start... If we believe her nephew that said that this all began 10 years ago /it can go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for years/... and has been progressing to this... now... That means that we have very little time left with Wendy. Maybe 5 more years... maybe 1 or 2.  There is no-current cure. Only symptoms management.

This makes me even more mad that they aired this documentary. 

Edited by Althea Davis
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On the other hand...

It was the conservator who didn't want the documentary to air, and sued to tried to stop it.  I felt suspicious of the motives of Wendy's nieces and nephews who voiced support, but didn't go to see her until the cameras were rolling, almost a year after she left Miami. 

And, it strains logic to say that Lil'Kev's spending of $100,000.00 should not be questioned because he spent that much each month on UberEats.  He is a grown man, why is he spending his mother's money like that if he knows that she is unhealthy?  He has no job, and he's no longer in school, so why isn't he caring for his mother?

To my eye, it looked like Will was the only one taking away the vodka, getting her into rehab, and tolerating her decline.  I thought the only one who came off well was Black Chyna, although her presence felt random, and I was distracted by the idea that she seemed to be auditioning for her own Lifetime special. 

Edited by j swift
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We may disagree about the validity of suspicious vibes versus the actual behaviors shown on screen, but I assume we agree that this was the effective end of her career in media.  Even if she is able to achieve sobriety, the image of her as being disoriented will haunt her legacy.  There's no coming back from that.  Which is a shame, because I think she was a perfect fit for the podcast medium.

Edited by j swift
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Will is not a good caretaker, but that is not his job.  However, he is the one who got Wendy into rehab, he takes away the liquor, communicates the conservator, and he yelled at the PR lady for taking her to LA.  So, while he is easily overwhelmed, he's still doing more than her nieces and nephews to get her the help that she requires. 

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There are so many red flags... and inappropriate and rude behaviour... disgusting actually... that his acting in front of the cameras could have fooled me if I was ....12 perhaps. But... yeah... the consensus is that he really stinks... and is one of the bad ones... look around in the internet. People are really mad with him and that disgusting woman that was enabling her.

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I had mixed thoughts about the documentary but ultimately Im glad it aired bc it exposed the incompetence of the guardian. If this leads to a court removing that person and placing Wendy back with her family where she belongs, than this will have been worth it

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