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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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I'm not sure. I see the numbers, and then I see ONE day of press for AMC leading them to trend on Yahoo, etc. What I see, is people who still care and are interesting in finding out what the story is.

I just don't know that I buy ABC being cruel enough to tell the cast and crew they're not canceled KNOWING it's a lie. It's one thing to tell them they're canceled at the same time as the fans, but it's a completely different thing to tell them they're not, and then be like, "oh just kidding." But what do I know.

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Would be great if all this attention got some lapsed viewers to watch again, but what would they get when they turn on the show? A host of unfamiliar characters and sets...a comatose Michael Nouri...Budig who looks like she rather be anywhere else...Ricky and the spray-tan chick trying to sell Boris and Natasha dialogue via some terrible acting. A lot of it would be insulting. I really hope this is the wake-up call the show needs and steps things into high gear and focus and expand on what's working, namely the whole Tad-Cara-Jake-Amanda stuff. There seems to be some good word of mouth. This seems like it's their last chance. Some new writers would help, but I'm not very hopeful. Jeez, what the hell would it take to get Lorraine Broderick back as HW.

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Exactly marceline, it isn't wise for Frons to call attention to himself, this isn't free publicity is good publicity/PR gold kind of stuff.

I take issue with the hotline because I feel that a billion thirty second messages would be spun as a ringing endorsement for the show as is, which is not the case for many fans. We want AMC to continue but not in its current state of mediocre-to-poor with mere glimpses of excellence.

It would be good if CNN and the other news networks at least did a segment or two on this story, hopefully interviewing intelligent soap personalities with good reputations who would give the viewers a better understanding of what's been so wrong with soaps for the last 15 years or so and why they're dying. It's a shame that the golden opportunity of the Oprah appearance didn't allow for more time devoted to this subject. Strolling down memory lane was fun but we needed some more pointed comments about the state of soaps. Someone like Victoria Rowell (wait!) speaks out but her "bitterness" and "crazy" cloud her arguments making it easy for TPTB to have her ignored. That's unfortunate and kind of pisses me off.

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I understand. I just think there's a line between lies of the past, and stuff like this. This is a whole cast and crew that we're talking about, not just the fans. I don't care if they're lying to me. But I think it's absolutely horrible and dare I say disturbing that they could do this to the people who work for them. I guess we'll see.

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Like many people of stated I don't think JHC would have a sit down with the cast and say we are not gone and then a week later have it gone.

ABC WOULD get A LOT of backlash...and I mean A LOT from fans of AMC and even the other ABC shows. A Network does not do it, and for RPG to even say TPTB say we are not getting canceled is a step in the right direction.

Here's to AMC staying on for more years to come. :)

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Also when RPG brought up GL being renewed it was a YEAR before it was gone. GL was renewed or kept on air for another year before he left. So Ricky was not even on GL when the cancelation announcement was made.

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Only time will tell, but I agree they wouldn't have sat down with the cast and said they weren't going to be cancelled. It makes no sense whatsoever. Truth be told, it's just a rumor and everyone ran with it. The usual nonsense.

If it happens it happens, if not just sit back and enjoy and don't worry about what those who truly don't know are saying.

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That's the real reason why everyone is worrying. This makes a good story for many people. I agree they just ran with it.

Not only the actors, fans of the network, and even friends of castmembers on AMC like Eric Martsof on DOOL.

Honestly I think the real chance of a show being canceled is when soapnet is gone.

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